Not Tonight.

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Show: Hazbin Hotel.

CW/TWs: Canonverse/Canon Divergence/Implied Or Referenced Sexual Assault/Implied Or Referenced Emotional Or Psychological Abuse/Implied Or Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Implied Or Referenced Gambling Addiction/Abusive Valentino/Husk has a Heart/Angel Dust Being Angel Dust/First Kiss/Fluff/Happy Ending/Ambiguous Or Open Ending.


Angel Dust sighed as he walked into the hotel. Charlie was talking to Veggie about something he couldn't care less about at the moment. His, everything, hurt. Valentino was extra rough with him. It was a solo session. Sometimes, he hates those the most. At least other people are a little more gentle with his body sometimes. Valentino didn't give a shit when it was just them. He's such a narcissistic asshole. Angel Dust approached the bar where Husk was turned around, doing who knows what. When he sat down with a wince, it alerted the other.

The shorter eyed him with a frown.
“You look like shit.” He said

As much of a blow to his ego as that was, Angel Dust put on the smile he usually adorns in front of his friends. It's what he has to do. Fake it until you make it, right? That's show business, baby. That's what he's always told. Besides, what else was he supposed to do? Vent his actual feelings and risk the chance it might get back to Valentino so the asshole can just hurt him for it again? No thanks. Not in the mood Angel Dust thought to himself. So he grinned and laid it on thick.

“Well, you are lookin’ extra handsome tonight, Whiskers.” He complimented, earning an eye roll

“What do you want to drink?” Husk asked

Angel Dust leaned his cheek on one of his hands. Damn he was tired.
“Just whateva. Surprise me.” He shrugged

Husk eyed him, then swiftly turned around, grabbing a glass and making a drink. The taller watched him as he tried to relax. He can hear Cherri Bomb talking on the phone and Nifty scampering around to kill bugs as Charlie discusses some sort of plan for their next move with Veggie. It was nice, just to hear them talking. They were more kind than anyone at the studio. More kind than Angel Dust thought he deserved sometimes. Husk turned around with the drink and slid it to the other. He narrowed his eyes at Angel Dust, who realized he had been caught looking down about things. Fuck, he hated this.

“What's with tha face?” The other asked

Angel Dust scoffed.
“Nothin’.” He said, swiping up his glass and gulping it down

He wiped his mouth as he plopped his empty cup back on the counter and sighed. That hit the spot. He knows he shouldn't drink his sorrows away, but sometimes he just couldn't take the next load. Pun intended. What's worse is he doesn't really hate his job. He likes sex, he likes taking sexy photos, and he likes filming porn videos. Some of them he's actually very proud of, but Valentino made it miserable. Sex was fun when he wasn't around.

“Valentino givin’ you a hard time again?” Husk asked, interrupting his thoughts as drank his whiskey

“Huh?” Angel Dust looked at him as he took a second to process his words

“Ah no. Just a long session.” The taller rolled his eyes and got up from the barstool

“Lyin’ was never a good look on you.” Husk commented as he watched the other start to walk off

Angel Dust tensed, hiking up his upper. He was going to head upstairs to his room for the night. He just wanted to cuddle Fat Nuggets, who was probably dozing in his room, and go to sleep. However, that comment pissed him off. Well, pissed him off and made him upset. He's just very emotional tonight for some reason. That's why he whipped around, ready to chew Husk out, only to be confronted with a worried scowl from the man behind the bar. He was just concerned. All the fight left Angel Dust's body. He decided to just be playful and let it roll off his back. Who cares if he's lying to save face or not?

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