Shy Has Spirit(s).

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Anime/Manga: SHY.

CW/TWs: Pepesha Andranof | Spirits/Momijiyama Teru | Shy/Age Difference/First Kiss/Underage Kissing/Light Angst/Implied Or Referenced Alcohol Abuse Or Alcoholism/Happy Ending/Ambiguous Or Open Ending.

Pepesha who's twenty-seven kisses Momijiyama who's fourteen! Didn't know how to tag that if it wasn't clear enough by the tags I did use, and I didn't want people who don't read tags to get upset, so there's your warning before proceeding.


Momijiyama was in her room organizing her bookshelf. Once she got it all done she stepped back and smiled, proud of her work. It's the little things that keep you going after all. Shrimpy had been summoned to the Unilord to receive information about a mission since it was so top secret it couldn't be said over their bracelets. That meant Momijiyama was home alone, more alone than usual. Her parents worked a lot so she often just spent her time with Shrimpy. She thought about going to visit Koishikawa since it was Sunday but Momijiyama didn't want to bother her on their day off. That left her with nothing to do. She already did her daily chores and even reorganized her room, it wasn't even lunch yet! Momijiyama sighed and sat on her bed only to nearly jump out of her pale skin when a portal in her room opened up and Spirits or Pepesha stepped through landing right in her bedroom. She only had on some white bunny slippers, a pair of very short blue shorts, and a white tank top.

Momijiyama blushed and stood up from her bed.
"Pesha-san w- what are you do- do- doing here?" She asked as shy as ever

"Oh nothing~." The older woman said swaying a bit on her feet

Very drunk, Momijiyama thought. This isn't the first time the taller showed up completely drunk of course, but this was different. Momijiyama wasn't sure if the other even knew where she was or if she had planned to come to her house. Pepesha seemed like she would topple over any second. Honestly, the shorter girl didn't understand why so many adults drink and she definitely didn't understand why Pepesha drank what Momijiyama thought was more than average, but it's not really her place to tell her senpai any different. So she keeps her trap shut about that.

"Wha- why don't y- you sit then?" Momijiyama suggested as she gently grabbed the older's forearm and gesturing to the perfectly made bed

Pepesha giggled and nodded and let the other guide her to sit down.
"Thanks Teru-chan! You're so sweet~." She slurred and hiccuped

Momijiyama laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.
"I try t- to be kind." She said, looking down at the hardwood floor

"Um, not that I- I don't want you he- here but uh wh- why did you come here Pesha?" The younger girl asked, glancing at her then away again

Pepesha sighed while leaning back on her hands.
"My boyfriend dumped me and I just really needed a friend." She said looking a little sad

"O- oh..." Momijiyama said realizing then she immediately sat next to the older

"I'm sorry Pesha-san. We- we can watch a movie or something together to make you feel better!" She suggested, hoping to help

Pepesha looked at her, those blue eyes that always seemed to bore into the brunette like she could read every cell in her body, then she smiled lopsidedly.
"Sure Teru-chan~." She said cupping the brunette's chin for a moment then letting go

Momijiyama blushed brightly, feeling her heart start to race as she stood up immediately.
"We- we'll need to go i- in- into the living room. Um my parents aren't ho- home... so don't worry about disturbing them." She smiled weakly

"Oh, that's good. Would hate to be a burden on them. Sorry I'm a burden on you Teruchan." Pepesha said as she got up wobbly on her feet

Momijiyama shook her head and flailed her hands out in front of her.
"No, don't wor- worry about it! I'm glad y- you're here and not in some alley wher- where you could get hurt." She said and stepped forward putting the taller's arm over her shoulder as she put her own arm around Pepesha's waist for support

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