Chapter 1

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A kit named Rain Cloud ran farther into the forest before falling to the ground, sobbing. Rain Cloud was a special kit because she had a rainbow pelt unlike any other. Right now though, she didn't feel too special. Her mom had died when she was just 2 moons old, from a dog who had entered near their territory. But what's worse is that her dad had just died saving her from a car. Is it because of my special coat that everyone around me keeps dying? Her thoughts were interrupted by a rustle in the bushes.

"W-Who's there?" She called

"Fear me not young one, for I mean you no harm" Said a black cat that had just jumped out of the bushes. "My name is Storm"

"What do you want from me?" Rain replied bitterly

"I sensed a cat not from a clan, but not a kitty pet either." Storm said calmly, despite Rain's obvious growl in her voice. "Why are you out here alone?"

Rain looked down for a moment, tears welling in her eyes before she spoke softly and said "My parents are dead and it's all my fault" She sobbed.

He thought for a moment before declaring "I will take you back to my clan, and assign you a mentor." He assessed her for a moment "What are you, about 6 moons old?"

She nodded

"Perfect, we can get you assigned right away then" He stepped forward to grab the young kit, but she hissed and jumped back.

"No!" She shouted "What if I get you killed too?" Her voice went soft towards the end of the sentence.

He laughed before stepping closer to groom and comfort the kitten. "I am a cat of 9 lives! No one can kill a leader like me!"

"A leader?" She exclaimed "Of which clan! And why don't you go by Storm Star then?"

"Shadow clan" He replied "And Storm Star sounded dumb, so i order to just be called Storm"

"Oh" She replied as she rubbed the rest of the tears off of her rainbow pelt

"What was that?" She said suddenly, fully aware of her surroundings after hearing a stick snap in the trees around them.

"Eh, probably just River Clan spies watching us because they think i might hurt you" He said, as a low growl was emitted from the unidentified creature

"No..." Flashbacks of her mothers death came rushing through her head. The rustle in the bushes, a growl, then suddenly teeth and fangs flashing through the air as her mother leaped out from their den to challenge the creature "I- It sounded more like ani-"

A great brown creature, with large claws, dripping fangs and small angry eyes came lumbering out from the trees.

"Wha- what is that thing!" She cried.

"It's a bear now get behind me" He said in a low voice as the bear raised up onto its back legs.


She watched as Storm leaped at the bear, claws unsheathing mid jump. He latched onto the bear's torso as the bear swung at him. Storm narrowly avoided it and clambered over the bear's shoulder and onto its back. The bear growled deeply before falling to all fours. The black cat ripped at the bear's ear and plunged his claws deep into the eye socket.

The creature let out an ear-splitting roar. Storm shouted at the young kitten to run but she refused, not wanting to be the result of another death. The bear shook its shaggy fur and pawed at its back, trying to remove the clan leader.

"NOW!" Storm yelled threateningly as he batted at the bear's huge paws.

Fear finally gave in and she choked back a sob and ran. She ran as fast as those little shaking paws could take her, looking back just once only to see the black cat hit the ground. She shut her eyes tightly and forced herself to look away. Rain Cloud ran as far as she could go, before slowing down to hide behind a large rock.

A/N: Thank you for reading my book "A Warrior Cats Tail". I will probably be posting one chapter a day, maybe more if you're lucky.

Word count: 673

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