"Oh for the love of fuck can we drop the subject and pick up a new one, I'm sick of hearing about Charles Leclerc" I begged as the rest of the girls climbed out and surrounded me.

"Can I get that in writing as something to show your wedding guests as well as him in a few years time" Leigh snorted finding herself amusing.

"Okay I'm officially done with the conversation" I turned my back and began to stride towards the gates as the girls followed behind laughing noisily.

Once inside the paddock I was blessed enough that the girls had changed the subject and instead was discussing a new upcoming tour we was hoping to announce in the summer. I raised my sunglasses and placed them ontop of my head as I gazed around the busy walkway in front of us. Crew, engineers, media and even fans busied themselves in various areas. As overwhelming as it was it brought a slight buzz of adrenaline to me.

"Speak of the devil"

I glanced to my side as Jesys voice came out low and hushed, I began to follow her eye line and suddenly was met with Charles strolling towards us in a cheerful mood. How I could tell? There was a noticeable spring in his step.

"It's so good to see you guys again!" He expressed as he reached us. He was wearing his signature red Ferrari top paired nicely with blue flared ish jeans.
"I spoke to a few people and we'd love to have you in the Ferrari garage today"

Before long we was being guided into a garage that at first glance was just a sea of red and white. The yellow Ferrari symbol was dotted on the wall in the corner next to the number 16 printed boldly. Placed next to that was a large screen amongst many that was broadcasting the track outside. Team members was hustling around the garage and several different noises could be heard through out.

Whilst the girls had wandered off into the pit lane to explore I found myself looking up at the screen I'd seen when I first walked in. I watched on with curiosity as different images popped up of the car in the garage and the track outside.

"It's a bit overwhelming at first I presume?"

Charles voice appeared from behind as he stepped to the side of me also looking up at the big screen. My eyes grazed over the side of him for a second noticing he was now wearing a race suit before I nodded centring my head again.

"A little you could say, but in a good way I like the adrenaline rush this all gives me"

"You're not the only one" he turned to me and smiled "it never gets old"

"I can imagine everything is so intense"

He shrugged faintly as he unzipped his race suit removing his arms from the sleeves and wrapping them around his waist. "Not really" Leaning his body against the wall besides us he crossed his arms before continuing "everything can get intense at times but aside from that the adrenaline is what fuels us with passion"

I turned my head slightly and drew my eyes to his casually. The look I received was a smile that was indescribable. His laugh lines stood out like a sore thumb and I couldn't help but notice with each laugh he did a little inhale came before. I found myself quickly smiling back and I had no idea why. It was contagious.

"I understand you're from Monaco, I've never been before. What's that like?"

I relaxed as I managed to steer the conversation into something more casual. I found Charles intriguing, aside from his job I could tell without even knowing him that there was things far more interesting about him then just his career in F1.

"It's great but I've not known anything different. You can't complain when you live in Monaco. Me and my two brothers grew up there and the people are always so nice"

𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 | Charles Leclerc Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora