"Yes, aren't you just dazzled by my body?" Justin says, his hand touching her cheek.

"Backstory time," Alex comments, rolling her eyes.

"My lovely Artemis broke up with me once her standards of boys changed. Suddenly, having some muscles wasn't enough anymore! I needed to be more muscular! When I didn't gain enough muscles, she dumped me and moved on to some other muscular guy named Icicle Junior, of all people! Now that I have muscles everywhere, can you resist me now, darling?!" Justin maniacally rants, making Artemis.

"You dated my boyfriend?" Clover asks, turning to her left.

"That was years ago when we were thirteen! This whole story happened when we were thirteen and in eighth grade!" Artemis exclaims, looking at Clover.

"I wasn't mad, but I was just asking. But it does make sense. Cameron does have a type," Clover remarks.

"He really does, doesn't he? It's literally just blonde hair as his one requirement for the perfect girl," Artemis responds, making Justin seethe.

"STOP TALKING ABOUT OTHER GUYS IN FRONT OF ME!!" Justin shrieks, his face red and veins bulging on his neck and face.

"Ok, gross. Second, possessive much," Alex comments, wiping globs of spit onto the leather ropes.

"Yeah, not to mention can't let go of the past," Artemis grumbles, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, I created my most perfect invention, Man-Up Protein shakes to bulk up. I looked up to my idol, Superman, and knew he had the secret. So one day, I snuck into S.T.A.R. Labs, stole a vial of his sweat, and isolated the androstadienone in it to create the synthetic steroids in Man-Up protein shakes. Now that I know it works, I can help other guys gain the muscles of their dreams with only a protein shake. Of course, the public version turns them into monstrous jocks, but I think that's a small price to pay for a dream body. Besides, they can still understand people," Justin explains, making the spies feel sick. "Now, if you excuse me, I have half the population to turn into Hulks. Team, keep 'em busy!"

Justin jumps into the air, bouncing off the bleachers and other objects, leaving a trail of dented things.

"Please tell me you have something to get us out of this, Sammy!" Alex yells, trying to break free of the ropes. "Wait a minute, his spit! The moisture in it is making the leather turn brittle!"

Alex breaks free of the ropes and helps everyone else out.

"RAAH!" The roided-up boys scream, running on all fours to attack the spies.

"There's thirty-six of them, everyone. We have enough scrunchies for all of them!" Clover yells, taking out her Keep It Together Elasta-Scrunchy.

The other girls do the same and put on their Hard-Hitting Lace Gloves. One football player jumps at Artemis, but she jumps and flips over him, putting the scrunchy over his stomach. She holds open the scrunchy and hits the jock in the stomach trapping eight jocks into a scrunchy. Next, Alex runs onto the dented bleachers letting a jock grab the scrunchy with its hands. She jumps onto the jock's head and aims towards the players running towards her. As the jock's arms are pulled back by the scrunchy, Alex takes the opportunity to pull the scrunchy over a jock's back.

Totally Spies: Gotham GalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora