"Holy shit," Niall uttered.

"Zen, is that you?" Louis asked jokingly and chuckled.

Zayn smiled. "It's good?"

I nodded. "Very good. I'm proud of you, Zaynie. You managed to not look like a supermodel for once."

He chuckled and looked at himself. To say he looked badass and practically like a junkie was an understatement. I mean his face was still flawless, that goddamn perfect face, but we couldn't do anything about that. Sometimes I wondered if Zayn was from another planet or something because I couldn't find a single flaw on his complection. Believe me, I had tried. Multiple times. No homo though.

"But how the hell do you find a drug dealing staff's number? It's not like it's in the phonebook," Niall asked.

"No, we can't call them. That would seem suspicious. Besides, if they have a number it's probably top-secret. Or in other words; impossible to find," Louis said bitterly.

I nodded and sighed. "Well, idea dropped. We're not gonna call them, even if we find the number-which we will not look for. Any other ideas?"

We were all quiet for a while, traveling through our minds to try and come up with something. Something that would actually work. We had to be very careful though, and not go too far.

Niall cleared his throat, before he spoke carefully, "uhm, couldn't we talk to Harry's lawyer? I mean, he obviously got a good look on the case and he may wanna help us."

Zayn made a sound from where he stood in hesitation. "I don't know if that's a good idea. What if he doesn't want to help us, and he stops what we're about to do cause it's too dangerous and illegal?"

Louis nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, but I mean Niall's got a good point. There's a good chance that his lawyer wants to help us! And if he could, that would be a huge help to us", he said and looked at me. "Liam, what do you say?"

I thought for a while, thinking about all the things we could accomplish with involving his lawyer. There were a lot of "yes"s coming up in my mind, an not so many "no"s. But frankly, I found it as a good idea, and I felt like Niall would be very happy that we listened to his idea, because I knew Niall was a bit insecure when it came to these things.

I smiled. "Let's do it."


We put on our disguises, which consisted of black clothes all over with the classic hoodie and sunglasses of course. Hoping to distract some of the fans, Louis tweeted that all the boys were going to a football game that was originally in Louis' plans to go to anyway, and he had tweeted about it earlier so it seemed pretty realistic.

Where Harry's lawyer were, or what his name was, we didn't know. They probably said some name in the court trial, but of course none of us knuckleheads remembered that. The first place we were going was the police station, knowing that they had to have some information about him. Maybe even his name.

Thankfully no fans were seen outside of the police station, only a few paparazzis, so we safely got inside. The paps were annoying as usual, calling us and our families names to try and get a reaction from us, to provoke us. But they let us be after Louis' big mouth couldn't shut up anymore.

The four of us ran to the reseption where a police officer sat. He didn't see ut at first, but eventually as we got closer he noticed the four boys running for their lives. I didn't really know why we were running, but I guess the whole thing just excited us.

"Excuse me, sir," I said in a hurry as I got there, the rest of the boys coming right after me. "I need some information about a lawyer."

The officer nodded and took off his glasses, looking at all of us. "Uh, yes. Who is the defendant of the lawyer?"

Niall spoke this time, quick to say his name. "Harry."

The older man smiled. "I'mma need the full name of the boy, young fella."

Niall blushed a bit and looked down. "Oh, of course, I'm sorry. Harry Styles, sir."

The officer nodded and looked at his computer screen, typing in something and putting on his glasses again, which by the way made him look like an older version of Harry Potter.

He nodded, still looking at his computer screen. "Yeah, there he is. His lawyer's name is-"

He stopped himself right before he told us the name and looked up at us, studying our faces.

"Who are you really?" He asked suspiciously.

I smiled. "Oh, we're his best mates. We're in a band together. Been a band since 2010 actually, so we're practically brothers."

He smiled. "Oh. Well then. Harry Style's lawyer is Mr. John Bolton. Do you want me to write down the address for you, sir?"

I grinned and nodded. "That would be great, thank you."

He gave me a nod and scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to me as soon as he finished. I looked at the address and figured it wasn't that far from the police station, so we could just drive from there. It would hardly take half an hour to drive there, so that should be quite the easy part.

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