My Hufflepuff (DahMo)

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Momo's POV:

I'm currently standing in front of the detention door right now. I was sent here because I somehow accidentally transformed our professor into a toad while in class and I don't know what spell to revert him back to his usual self.

I really blame Sana for this. She's the one I should've turned into a toad, but she shielded herself using a mettalic tray and there it bounced towards our professor. If she just didn't teased me about my crush, this wouldn't had happen.

I muster up my courage to enter the detention room and I saw Prof. Snape sitting at the front reading a book.

"Hmm, a hufflepuff in detention"

He said without any emotions written on his face as I sit down at the far end of the room.

Lucky me, I'm the only student here right now.

It's my first time to be in here. And it kinda sucks.

Can someone please remind me to strangle a certain squirrel later? She should be here with me too.

In my defeat, I just lay down my head on the desk and try to sleep. Since I don't have anything much to do here.

Then I heard the door creek open and a random student enters. Because of my curiosity, I look at that person.

"Oh great, another hufflepuff in the room"

What the heck?! Why is my damn crush doing here in detention!!!

As I was scanning her movements, I widen my eyes to see that she's heading towards the seat beside me!

No! Not here please!

And It's too late, she already sat beside me.

Oh gosh, she's beside me! Aaahh!


Is she talking to me? Yeah of course it is you dumb self. I'm the only ones who is here. So who else will she say hi?


Why the heck did I stutter?!

"I'm Kim Dahyun"

Who doesn't know you? Of course I know who you are! You're the famous Hufflepuff's quidditch player. And the one who saved me from those bullies when I first got here in Hogwarts. That's why I have a huge crush on her!

"How about you? What's your name?"

"Oh, I-I'm Hirai Momo a Hufflepuff"

"Yeah, It's obvious on your uniform"

She smiled at me and giggled! Waaah! It's like music to my ears! I can't contain my happiness right now! My heart is pounding it's like she can almost hear it! She's so cute! I want to keep her in my pocket forever!

"No talking!"

We jolted at Professor's voice and quickly zip our mouth.

He really is a scary teacher.

A moment later, I felt a tap on my arm and she slid a note on my desk.

'May I know why are you in detention?'

This is embarassing. She might make fun of me for doing that. On second thoughts, I probably should give my thanks to Sana later.

'Trust me. You wouldn't want to know. How about you? What brings you here?'

Then I quickly return the paper to her that she gladly accepted.

She's now reading it and writes something again. I suspect it was a long message since it took her a while to write. And then after that she handed me the paper again.

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