Chaos and Cuddles (Fem reader x MiChaeng 2yeon)

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Author's POV:

A high school girl laying down on the couch while scrolling through her phone, not knowing her brother already arrived.

"Where's Mom and Dad?"

She look up to see who it is and it shocked her. She immediately stand up and hug the girl beside her brother.

"Mina unnie! You're back!"

Mina was away the whole week. She was in the L.A. for a family gathering. And just now, Chaeyoung fetched her from the airport and straightly went to their home because Mina already wanted to see her boyfriend's sister.

"Can you please answer my question first?"

"They went out on a date. They'll probably be home soon"

Y/n mumbled, not looking at Chaeyoung.

"Hey, stop hugging her. I'm the one you supposed to hug here. Because I'm your brother"

"No hugs for you, 'cause you're a mean brother"

Y/n angrily pouted and hides on the crook of her brother's girlfriend's neck and tightened her hug.

"Yoo Chaeyoung. What did you do to your sister?"

Saying his full name by his girlfriend made him flinch and shivered.

"J-jagi, I don't remember doing anything to her"

He scratch his nape while tensedly looking at Mina.

"Are you sure?"

He just nodded but stopped when Y/n said something.

"He embarassed me in front of my crush"

Mina look and glared at her boyfriend. If her stares can kill, he is surely dead by now.

"He told him a lot of embarassing stories of me. That left my crush turned off. I really hate you Oppa"

"Don't worry Y/n. I'll deal with him later. But first, have you eaten already?"

The younger one shook her head still trap in the older's embrace.

Mina comforted the younger while walking towards the kitchen. Leaving the cub jawdropped.

"Come on, I'll cook something for you to cheer you up"

"Seriously? Yah! Jagiya!"

His lover pretended not to hear him and just focusing on her soon to be sister-in-law. Causing him to groan in annoyance.

"Y/n. Go to your room for a while. I'll just call you later when the food is ready"

She nodded and quickly went to her room. When Chaeyoung is about to enter the kitchen, Y/n secretly smirked at him but her brother still noticed it.

The annoyed tiger went behind the clueless penguin who is currently chopping some of the ingredients.

He hug her behind, startling Mina.

"Jagiya, are you mad?"

Mina is still ignoring him.

"Hey, talk to me please. I'm really sorry"

He tightened his hug on the girl.

Mina sighed and stop what she was doing then faced her boyfriend while crossing her arms.

"I'm not mad at you. I just don't get it, why do you have to embarass your sister in front of her crush?"

Chaeyoung went silent and lowers his head, eyes darting on the floor. He doesn't know what to answer to Mina's question.

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