The Honeymoon

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Author's Note: Hey guys I'm really sorry for updating so late, just been very busy and haven't had much time but I promise I'll do my best to keep updating :)
Chuck's POV:
Blaine sat beside me in the limo, beautiful, as always. I couldn't help but feel the need to have her, I gently pulled her close to me and pressed her lips against mine. She accepted and prssed her lips passionately. I loved how her lips always felt so soft on mine and warm. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and ran my hands down her back to her bum. My tongue escaped her mouth and ran down her neck to her chest. I felt her warm breath on me as she ran her hands through my hair. As I was making my way lower her chest I didn't feel her hands in my hair anymore. I looked up in confusion and I saw her eyes full of some sort of emotion I couldn't quite make out; confusion? Fear? I just stopped what I was doing as she pulled back.

"Blair?" I was concerned for, yes I can say it, my wife.

"Chuck, there is something I need to tell you." Blair's chest rose as she took in a breath.

"What is it?"

"I'm..." She looked at me with her big brown eyes that always mesmerized me. "Pregnant."

"Why are you crying?" I didn't understand why Blair was so upset. Had she forgot the last time when she was pregnant and I promised I would love that baby as much as I love it's mother? I hoped not.

"Because I'm afraid you might not want it." A single tear escaped her eyes and trickled down her cheek. I pulled her into my arms and held her securely to my chest.

"Of course I want it. I love you and everything that comes with you. And I will love our child unconditionally, just like it's mother." I whispered into her ear. I felt a heat in my heart, it was pounding, but in a good way. It felt like the first time I new Blair was the one. I smiled to myself as I imagined us as a family.

"Blair.." I pulled her back and looked deep into her eyes, " We are going to be a family." I saw Blair suddenly relax and smile, much like the first time I said the three words, eight letters. the words that I had found so difficult to say but never regretted it. Blair wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed tightly. "Sometimes I don't think you know how much I love you," she sighed into my ear. I smirked and pulled her closer to me.

The limo drove to the airport and parked close to my jet. I opened Blair's door and helped her get out of the limo. I signalled to a man standing close to the car to get our luggage as I led Blair to the aircraft. I admired how her hips moved side to side as she climbed up the steps into the jet. I greeted the captain when we were in and made polite conversation whilst Blair explored the small space. On one side of the 'tube' were two white leather recliners with a table in between them, and on the other side of the plane was a long white leather sofa with two crimson cushions on each side of the sofa and a crimson blanket folded in the shape of a triangle lying neatly on the leather. On the far end of the jet was a cupboard and fridge filled with all sorts of food and the doors were with the interior of brown marble. A small counter was opposite the fridge and cupboard. It had the same interior and had a small shelf above it with a coffee plunger, biscuits, and a few other things. On the other end was the cockpit and bathroom. When I turned around I saw Blair's heels on the floor and she was already cosy on the sofa looking through the TV in front of her. I smiled and sat on the recliner opposite her. I signalled the air host ( not hostess due to Blair and how easily she gets jealous). The gentleman in uniform came over and asked what I wanted. He was a handsome man but I had to have my rules too so I made sure he was gay. I asked for a scotch and the air host proceeded to the beverages on the end of the plane. I looked out the window and scanned my eyes around the runway, all the little cras that seemed so small compared to the large planes. I looked back at Blair as she ordered a tea and gave the long list of
things she wanted with it and not with it. I smiled as I looked at her and knew for the first time that she is mine, she chose me, not Dan, not Nate, but me. She looked back over at me and smiled before unfolding the blanket and throwing it over herself. She cringed as she felt the fabric. I rolled my eyes, of course she had to find something to pick on. I looked at her belly, of course I couldn't see any bump but I could imagine it. The TV noise went mute and I looked up at Blair.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Blair asked. "I don't mind. "
I smiled at her and nodded. "Only if you want to."
"Ok." Blair smiled and walked over to the recliner opposite me.
"How far are you?" I began with a simple question.
"3 weeks." Blair said. The air host came with our drinks and played them in from of us. Blair looked up at him with that face, the face she always puts on when she's about to give out.
"I almost burnt my hands holding this mug. Do you want me to burn my hands?!" Blair glared at the poor air host and raised her eyebrows when he only stuttered a reply.
" ma'am."
"I should hope not!" Blair replied firmly. I smirked at her, man did I love when she got angry, she got so sexy, and her eyes became so intense.
The air host took her mug and left to replace it.
"That he has the nerve to just..."
"Blair." I stopped her before she went on another rant.
"You're right. This isn't about the tea, it's about us, on our honeymoon." Blair breathed and smiled at me. She was so incredibly beautiful, I thought to myself.

It was two hours since we arrived in Seychelles. We took a pleasurable boat ride to the island from the mainland and had another limo pick us up and bring us to the villa. It was beautiful! Large windows looking out at the infinity pool and sea. There were deck chairs and sun beds out on the patio and trees surrounding the villa. The interior consisted of lots of modern art, white couches, long white curtains and many more white items. Our bags were taken care of by the maid whilst I took Blaire's dainty hand in mine and took her outside. We took our seats on two summer beds and ordered for the waiter of the villa. Blair ordered some water and I ordered a margarita and the waiter immediately walked into wherever it was that he needed to go in order to get our drinks. I took Blaire's hand in mine and planted a soft kiss on her smooth palm. "I love you." I breathed into her ear and immediately saw her lip curl up as she turned to look at me. "I love you too. " I felt the urge to pick her up bridal style and march straight into the masters bedroom. The waiter interrupted my thoughts when he arrived with the drinks. Blair stared at the waiter until her glass was by her table and a black straw had been popped into it. I thanked the man and drank the margarita whilst Blair innocently sipped on her water. We both stared out across the infinity pool and out towards the sea. I placed my drink on the table, sat myself upright and picked up Blair. She immediately dropped her drink to the ground and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt her soft lips on mine, one hand move onto my cheek while the other combed through my hair. I strode into the bedroom and flung Blair onto the bed. She pulled off my suit jacket while i stared at her, mesmerised. My pulse increased in speed rapidly as I felt her pull of my shirt and run her hands along my body. I plunged my lips onto hers and immediately moved them down to her chin, across her beautifully structured jawline, I ran my tongue down her neck, my hands fumbled to unbutton her blouse but they became impatient and ripped it off, buttons flying in all sorts of directions. Blair pulled me closer to her and wrapped her legs around my waist. Blair was so sexy.

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