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I walked up to Tricia and saw her with some photos "Peter" she said slowly,handing the photos to me,I took the photos only to see the picture of when Simon got stabbed by Tricia,and also when I and Bella threw Simon's body away, but didn't see the photos of when Simon tried rapping Tricia and I knew something was wrong "peter,what do you think?" Tricia said,I turned the photos and saw "love s" written on all the photos, "this person really knows the truth and can rat us out any time he or she wants to" i replied as Bella and Tomi walked in "what's up" bella said walking towards us "o my God!" Tomi exclaimed on seeing the photos,"did you guys see s?" Bella asked "no,but s dropped this" I replied,"what do we do,I really can't get caught" Bella said,looking very scared,"I have an Idea" Tricia said pressing her phone and immediately I,Bella and Tomi's phone's beeped,I took out my phone "let's check if any of our classmates handwriting matches with this, we can't talk here cos S is obviously not far away and listening to us" that was Tricia's message,and true she was right cos s would  probably be around watching  us "come to think of it why would this useless s of a person not send photos of Simon trying to rape Tricia? at Least we would have gotten something to save us from this mess if we eventually get caught "Tomi asked, "yeah, that's right I was thinking the same moments ago" I replied,"let's just do as I say for now" Tricia said "let's go before someone sees us here Together" she added leaving,"pls s I know you can hear me,but pls don't rat us out pls,it wasn't intentional Tricia can't kill someone" Bella said leaving, we all laughed leaving the library and i saw someone who looked like a girl on our school uniform walking away, but I couldn't tell who she was cos I didn't see her properly but I know I definitely saw a girl.

The next day,i invited my friends to my house cos Peter's grounding was lifted by his dad,we gathered written notes from all our classmates as planned,we were at my room checking to see whose handwriting matches the one written by s,"oh my God I'm tired" Bella said lying down on my bed "it's almost finished and no one matches" peter said "I think this one matches" Tomi said as we all gathered to see,and truly it matched,"whose written note is that" peter asked,"blessing" Tomi replied,I,Tomi and Bella looked at ourselves,"do you mean blessing is s,but she left early that day after the party I saw her leave so it can't be" peter said,"the other day during break, at the canteen,she walked up to us saying that Tricia,Tomi and i, have become more close after Tricia's birthday party" Bella said,"yeah but we didn't take it seriously cos she talks a lot" I added "so what now?" Tomi asked,"let's keep an eye on her that's what we should do cos maybe she's not" I replied,"why on earth should it be blessing of all people who talks a lot, it will be real difficult to make her keep her mouth shut" Bella said and lying down on my bed again "I just pray it's not blessing, cos if she is s, that's it we're going to be caught" Tomi said sitting down on my bed "yesterday I saw a girl walk away after we had left the library,but i didn't see her face" peter said, "what does she look like" i asked,"I don't know" peter replied,"it's definitely blessing," bella said "let's just keep an eye on her, and see if she's really s" I replied as the doorbell rang, I shut the door after my friends had arrived "are you expecting anyone?" Peter asked,"no, but let me go check out who it is,I'll be right back" I said,walking down to the sitting room, I opened the door to see my dad,"good day Dad" I said going in,"good day,why weren't you taking my calls Tricia?" He asked,"cos I wasn't interested to talk to you" I replied,"Tricia,do you realize that I'm your dad?" He asked,"yes you're,but a dad always puts his daughter first before anything or anyone else,but you,you always put me second" I replied,"Tricia,    I try my best for you,to make you happy" he replied,"but that's not enough,you left when I needed you the most,I killed someone because of you," I replied almost yelling,"that was your mistake Tricia,don't you dare use that tone on me again," he replied really angry,"yeah that's it whenever I try to express myself to you,it always turns out to you not liking my tone of voice,anyways my friends are here" I said leaving,I walked into my room to see two confused faces,that of Tomi and Bella,peter wasn't surprised cos he already knew I and my dad were that way, "did you just talk to your dad in that manner?" Bella asked "did you two stay outside the country for sometime?" Tomi asked and 
It made me laugh tho I was angry "no" I replied,"then what was that, cos a Nigerian dad won't take that?" Tomi asked,"if were to be my dad I wouldn't stay in his house for another day" Bella said  "let's forget about my dad" I replied,"so what do we do?" Bella asked,"peter where's the book I gave to you?" Bella asked peter "I'm not returning it" peter replied and Tomi smiled,"peter" I said slowly in my head,"that reminds me Simon's wake keep is next tommorow" peter said,"I'm not attending,it will be disrespectful to attend" I replied, "why?" Tomi asked, "cos I killed him" I replied "that's the more reason you should attend" peter replied and my dad walked in unannounced, "good day sir" peter,Tomi,and Bella chorused, "good day kids, Tricia come with me" he said leaving and I followed suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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