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"How much do you know Tricia?" My mom asked while we were having dinner and I stopped eating "you said?" I asked her "you heard me David" my mom replied, "I just know her as my classmate, that's all" I replied not knowing why she asked, "did you see your brother with her at her birthday party?" My mom asked "no" I replied then recalling when Simon, my brother had asked me about her, but I only told him her name and that was all, "okay" my mom said and observing my both parents I could tell that they needed some space to talk privately, "thanks mom, thanks dad" I said as I walked away, I stopped when I could no longer be seen to listen to my parents "do you think she did it?" My mom said asking my dad "I can't tell" my dad replied, what would even had made them think Tricia killed Simon "but the bedsheet, it was clear she had something to do with it, it was exactly the same as the one on her bag" my mom said, I couldn't understand what they were saying "you need a concrete evidence against that girl" my dad said "and why would her dad even do such?" My mom asked my dad again, I couldn't understand them but yet I kept on hoping that Tricia didn't have anything to do with Simon's death "I'll will get to the root of this dear and if I find out she did, I will kill her" my mum said sounding sober and I left for my room I was definitely going to talk to Tricia the next day.

Waking up the next day, crying again because I had nightmares of the night I killed David's brother, what have I done to my self, the taught of me getting caught one day made me cry "morning princess" my dad said walking into my room with a glass of water, he turned to close the door as he heard little sobs coming from me, he quickly walked up to me "what's the problem?" My dad said as he sat down beside me, "I'm going to go to jail dad" I said still crying as my dad dropped the glass he was holding, "get up Tricia" he said helping me to sit upwright, "who told you that?" My dad asked me looking annoyed "I killed someone, and I must pay for it" I replied "no princess no one's taking you to jail, not under my watch okay" he said wiping away my tears "now come on take this" he added handing over the glass of water to me, I slowly drank the water  as my dad's cell phone began ringing I looked up at my dad, he sighed and let the phone ring, the phone began ringing again and so he took the call, "hello sir, yes sir, ok sir I'll be there quickly"  I heard my dad said and dropped his cell phone, I felt so heart broken, the same reason I was in the state I was, and now, "I'm sorry princess, I'll be back before you know it okay" he said and I only looked away as he left, I threw the glass to the wall as it shattered into pieces, i began crying again, what a father, at this moment I really wished my mom was here for me but no she wasn't, and now peter was grounded probably because of me.

I was with my guys talking when I saw a text message from my bestie asking to meet in the girls rest room , I found it akward going there cos I was a guy, I later went and I saw Tricia with Tomi and bella, I shooked hands with Tricia like we always did, "what's up" I asked "my initial was found on the bedsheet "what! how, I taught I used a new one?" Bella asked looking worried "chill it's fine they couldn't link it to me, and the bedsheet was not a new one it was just dry cleaned" I replied, "how come your initials are on it?" Tomi asked "she attended a boarding school before now" peter replied, "oh, ok" Tomi said, " my dad knows about it" I said, "what!" They all chorused "yes and it's fine," I replied, as we heard the sound of the bell indicating the the break was over "let's go to the class" Tricia said leaving, "I really pray we don't get caught" Bella said as I nodded while we left for the class room.

On our way to the classroom after we'd met in the restroom, David called my name and I stopped I wasn't scared at all because I had mustered a lot of courage because I didn't actually killed Simon because I wanted to, it was simply an act of self defense, "can I see you for a minute?" He asked, "sure, I'll be right back, I said to peter and Left With David, we went to the back of the classroom, "what's with you and my brother's death?" He asked "I have no idea what you're asking David" I said, "the bedsheet, your initial, and your dad, what's all that?" He asked again "where did you get those from?" I asked not surprised, because I knew he got them from his mum "just answer me" he said, "how am I supposed to answer when I know nothing about what you're saying?" I replied, "I just hope you had nothing to do with it, I know my brother can be a stupid jerk at times, "  he replied and left, he even knew he's brother could be a jerk, I sighed and left

I walked into the classroom alongside Tomi, we walked towards our different desk as our phone beeped almost the same time, we looked at each other and I smiled lightly with the taught that it was from either peter or Tricia, I sat down and turned to look at peter who didn't seem to look like the message sender, it could be Tricia, I taught in my head and then opened my phone to see what she sent "Jesus Christ!?" I exclaimed under my breath "I know you had a hand in Simon's death, love s" that was the message the unknown sender sent, I turned to Tomi's direction and discovered she was also speechless I couldn't talk to her because Caleb was beside her, who on earth knew about it I couldn't remember anyone seeing us that day. Maybe it could be a student from our class but the students that their names started with letter s where only three Sandra, Sarah and Sophia and they didn't seem like it, Tricia walked into the classroom with her eyes fixed on Peter and I could tell they were speaking to each other using eye contact, she walked up to our desk and sat down "did you receive a message?" I asked "no" she replied and Immediately her phone beeped, she took out her phone to see the message, "I know you killed Simon, but dear it wouldn't stay hidden forever, love s" that was Tricia's message from the unknown sender, "I got a message similar to that from an unknown sender too" i said "let me see" she said and I gave my phone to her, she read the message "I think Tomi and peter got the same message you got, but who could s be?" she asked "no idea" I replied, "Don't say anything to this sender okay, he/she probably did this to find out the truth, if you get another one let me know about it" she said and handed my phone back to me "ok" I replied. I was happy because Tricia was back to being her main smart and bold self and with that we wouldn't get caught.

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