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I walked to the dinning table to take my break fast which I had already served, I sat down looking at the three empty chairs which were meant to be for my mom,my dad and my sister or brother which I wanted so bad, neither of them were present, the doorbell ranged and I walked to the door and opened it "hey" peter said walking in, i looked at him in bewilderment "surprised?" He asked, "yeah, taught you were grounded?" I asked "how did you know about it?" He asked "why are you here?" I asked changing the subject, "I wasn't grounded from going to school, and I came to check up on you, I haven't had time to to that" he replied, "I understand" I said smiling, "come join me for breakfast" I added walking towards the dinning, "what's that?" He asked "toasted bread, fried eggs and tea" I replied "I already had breakfast at home" he replied "or are you afraid you'll die?, I'm not a terrible cook" I said and we both laughed.He sat opposite me, I made him a cup of tea and we started eating, the landline began ringing and I knew it was my dad because he had given me 22 missed calls since yesterday, I didn't take any of his call because I was still terribly mad at him so I couldn't take them. "The landline is ringing" peter said "just let it ring, it's my dad" I replied "ain't you taking it?" He asked "no" I replied rolling my eyes "at least to hear what has to say" peter said and I closed my both ears with my hands. He smiled and walked towards the landline "hello, good morning sir, it's peter, Tricia is in a hurry to go to school so she can't talk now" peter said "tell him the truth that I'm not interested, so he keep could keep enjoying his work" I said loudly so he could hear, peter hung up and walked back to the dinning, I was damned sure my dad heard every single thing that I had said and I didn't care, "why don't you want to speak with him?" Peter asked "did you get any more message from the unknown sender?" I asked ignoring his question "no just the one of yesterday" he replied, we were done eating,I cleared the table and we left for school. I had applied some mascara before leaving the house, we arrived 30 minutes late and Mr Sam our physics teacher was already in class "you both should stop there" Mr Sam said, hearing his command peter stopped and I obeyed too "it's 8:30 am and school begins at 8:00 am you both are 30 minutes late" Mr Sam said "sir we're just 30 minutes late not an hour so you should be happy" I blurted out and walked to my sit while peter stood back, of course he didn't dare say a word to me, after the other day with my dad and David's mum, literally everyone of the teachers became scared of me, Mr Sam sighed, he asked peter to go in and he continued his boring physics lesson, I wasn't a fan of physics and so I hated to learn physics. Few minutes later, after Mr Sam had left the class, I, peter, Bella and Tomi's phone beeped one after the other, Bella first, Tomi second then peter before mine,I was also the last to get the message too the previous day, we all turned to everyone who had s at the beginning of their names but they didn't seem to be the sender, I looked at my phone to read the message "meet me at the library after school love s". I turned to Bella, and she looked at me, I could see the fear in her eyes, I tapped her and she smiled. The bell ranged Indicating the time for break, peter left with David and some of his guys, cos it would be really awkward seeing him with Bella, Tomi and I, but it wouldn't be if it were to be  only the both of us cause everyone down to our parents knew we were best of friends. I left with Tomi and Bella to the canteen, we took out what we would eat and headed to seat down "are you insane?" Tomi asked a classmate who mistakenly stepped on her "I was going to say sorry but I won't now" Bambi said and left, "loser" Tomi said to her hearing but Bambi didn't say a word to her to avoid problem, "I'm sorry" I said to her "it's fine" she replied and we sat down, "you both got the message too right?, What if we actually get caught?" Tomi asked, "yeah we did and we won't get caught" I replied" so what are we going to do about it?" Bella asked "I suggest we go see the person so we could at least know who he/she is" Tomi said, "we should plan on it before going otherwise we would get caught" I replied "is this seat taken?" Blessing asked holding her lunch she had collected,sadly, no" Bella replied, "ok" blessing said and sat down with us "you three have become more close after Tricia's birthday party, cos last I checked it has always been Tricia and Peter not Tricia, Bella and Tomi " blessing said, and I looked at her "if you don't have anything to say just quietly eat and leave" I replied before Bella or Tomi could say anything, "I was just saying because I noticed it" blessing said "Don't your mouth get itchy from talking a lot?" Bella asked her "oh, sorry o I guess you three are depressed, cos it's only people that are depressed behaves this way" blessing said rolling her eyes  and left, I smiled cos why would she even  refer us to as depressed "why do I feel that big mouth has something to do with those unknown sender messages?" Tomi asked , "it can't be she just wants to talk you know she talks a lot" i replied. "Let's get back to what we were saying" Bella said, "okay fine we would go," I replied "ok" they both chorused and we headed back to the classroom after the bell was rung.

After I had got the message from the unknown sender, I got another one from Tricia saying that we go meet the sender at the library after School, I and Tricia were the first to go to the library we had planned before going "what book did miss Sandra ask you to bring?" Tricia asked walking into the library "the lion and the jewel" i replied knowing that we didn't have it in our school library, we searched using the opportunity to wait for s but s didn't show up "where could he/she be?" Tricia asked in a low tone, "I don't know why he's not showing up"  I replied and our phones beeped the same time I took out mine while she took out hers too "look under the dictionary" that was the unknown sender's message, "Jesus Christ!!!!!" Tricia exclaimed.

Thanks for reading next chapter would be out soon 😘😘

TriciaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora