Chapter 1: Finding out the truth & Decisions

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(Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Naruto characters. It respectively belongs to Masashi kishimoto.)Also this is my first ever fic.

The story starts as we see a 6 year old Naruto cleaning the hokage office after a prank because he also wants to get away from the villagers glare and hurtful words or things thrown at him or worse some trying to beat him.He never tell anyone about this but he could sense the emotion of others as well when they are lying to him as such he knows when people are lying to him. He just doesn't understand why people do these horrible things to him. Yes he understands that he pranked people and ninja of the village but what did he ever do that deserves this kind of treatment and he always ask the hokage about why villagers hate him and who his parents were or did they loved him but the old man always said either that he is sorry or he doesn't know. So lost in thoughts that he didn't notice a kunai in the shelves and pricked his right hand a little drop of his blood then fell on the box that he is cleaning and seal on it disappeared and when he looked at the box it kanji for fourth written on it he then opened the box and found a birth and marriage certificate as well as Naruto find a diary in the box with "For our dear son Naruto" from your parents Minato namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki written on it.

After reading that Naruto is shocked to the core as he couldn't believe his father was the Yondaime hokage after getting over his shock. He took a look at both certificates and found out it was all true as the birth certificate had his name with his parents'names as well. After taking a look at the diary he takes the other content of the box with him before closing the box as he closes it the seals on the appeared again and then Naruto places the box where it was and cleans the rest of the armory and looks for something that is related to his father or something of use for him as people don't know this and thinks that he is stupid but he is actually very smart underneath that goofiness and stupid smile and whenever he gets the chance to collects the things that are useful for him such as he got some techniques from the various clans in konoha such as a taijutsu style based scrolls from the hyuga clan, medicine and poison making scrolls from Nara clan, a genjustu scroll from kurama clan, and various others as well. As for how he got them he took them from the trash can when he was looking for food because no one will sell him any food or if they did it was either expired or rotten that's why he has to look for food in trash can because he didn't have to buy it that's when he found the scrolls as the scrolls were old and was thrown away by the clan servants. Now after checking he found out 2 scrolls with the Uzumaki clan written on it he takes it with him then he decides to leave for his apartment.


After reaching his apartment Naruto read the diary of his parents and after reading the diary as silent tears started to cascade down his face but not of sadness instead of they were tears of happiness and joy after reading the diary as his parents had written in it that they loved him and that they are sorry for leaving him all on his own as they never wanted to leave him alone. After wiping his tears Naruto looks for more information about them in the diary after looking for some time he finds the map of his parents house and instructions on how to open the house. Then he checks the Uzumaki scrolls that he has brought with him and after checking it he finds out that he has a clan and not just any clan but the clan which helped in building the konoha as well as that they were known for being extremely talented in fuinjutsu and having the longevity as well but sadly they were destroyed by the suprise attack by Iwa, kumo and various other small villages during the end of the second shinobi world war. Naruto is happy to know that he has a clan but also saddened that they were destroyed as he just found out that his mother was the princess of the Uzumaki clan and that she was a grand seal master in terms of the Uzumaki clan and his father was also a grand seal master as well.

Then Naruto looks at the map of his parents house and he decides to go there as he wants to find out more about his parents and the Uzumaki clan as well. So the next day Naruto prepares himself as he is ready to go at his parents house as the night falls it is 11:30 at the moment that's when he heads as he knew some of his pranks that the anbu patrolling at this time is very lax also not to got he has changed his attire to completely black as he had stolen them from the shopkeepers who has thrown him out of the shop or overcharged him for the products. Some time later Naruto reaches his destination which is behind the hokage monument and as he looks at the house he had to admit it is a big house after looking at the house a little bit longer Naruto finds the seal that is mentioned by his father and mother in the diary as for how to open it he takes out the kunai that he has taken from armory and he cut his hand a little and uses his blood to enter the house before going in he checks his surroundings as to see that no one is in the vicinity after confirming that no one is here out in area for that matter he reactivated the seal again as if someone comes to patrol here they would find nothing and then Naruto heads in he checks the entire house to which he first to the room that is on the right side of the house. When he opens the door tears started to form in his eyes as he stared at the room which was filled with toys and other baby stuff he stops in front of a baby crib with frog soft toy in it and then he couldn't take it anymore as he started to wail as he is really happy that his parents loved him after crying for some time he gets up wiping his tears as he is thankful that the house has silencing seals placed on it so the his wailing cannot be heard outside of the house.

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