a million dollar heist

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After unceremoniously shoving Derek, who was now in his younger form, in the back of the Jeep, laying his body across all the girl's laps, they began their long journey home to Beacon Hills. Luckily for the group, Derek was out cold for the whole journey back. They didn't exactly want a scared werewolf causing havoc in the Jeep in the middle of the Mexican Desert. Obviously, whatever Kate did to him, it made him very weak, so they allowed him to rest. The Jeep was mostly silent for the ride, the only sounds being the radio lowly playing and every so often, Vienna and Stiles would quietly bicker about Stiles going the wrong way.

Eventually, they finally arrived in their hometown. Relief flushed over each of them as they took in the familiar sights passing by the window. After dropping Kira and Malia off at their respective homes, Stiles pressed the breaks harshly outside the doors of the veterinary clinic. Ignoring Vienna's claims of whiplash, Stiles was the first to jump out of the car, with the others closely following. Scott was quick to throw younger Derek over his shoulder to carry him inside. As delicately as they could – which was not very delicate at all – Scott placed him down on the examination table for Deaton to be able to give his thoughts.

Whilst they hoped Deaton would be able to provide them with answers right away, the hope soon disintegrated as soon as they saw a frown fall upon Deaton's face as the sight before him.

"Wow" he breathed out.

"Wow? Wow, as in 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do' kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for" Stiles rambled.

Deaton looked to the boy but still had the same stunned expression, "I think you might be overestimating my abilities"

Lydia then reached across the table to grab Derek's hand, "he's cold, really cold"

At her words, Deaton also placed his hand upon Derek's and was shocked to find the girl's words to be true.

A thought then occurred to Vienna and she ran out of the room without saying a word, leaving the others confused, only to watch her rush back with a blanket in hand. She softly wrapped his body up in it, tucking it tighter around him until she deemed it perfect. She sighed in a small sense of relief once she had completed the task she made for herself, feeling happy with her work before looking up to find everyone staring at her with raised brows.

"What?" and with a pointed look from Stiles, she scoffed, "okay, so when Scott was working, I didn't have much else to do than chill with the puppies. And it was hard on the floor so I brought a blanket with me and kept it hidden, okay? Now, can we please get back to why the fuck Derek looks like a hot senior" she ranted and after a short pause, everyone just gave up with the conversation before turning back to the situation at hand.

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott questioned, clearly concerned for his friend.

Deaton shone a light in Derek's eyes, before shaking his head, "I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience"

"So, what do we do with him?" Stiles asked the vet.

Deaton looked unsure, "until he wakes up, probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here"

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles questioned the man again.

Deaton looked him dead in the eyes, giving him a tense nod, "if she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate"

"Why would she want to this to him?" Lydia questioned, sounding defeated already, despite it only being the beginning.

"Like is it her weird, perverted side wanting Derek all to herself or?" Vienna asked, confused about the woman's motives.

Panic Over ~ Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now