"Look, you know what happens to pregnant interns. I'm not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits. I'm too talented. Surgery's my life." Cristina tells Mommy before looking over at me.

"Which begs the question: who are you sleeping with?" Mommy asks her.

"Burke. Clarissa only knew that we're together because of how she's noticed Burke giving me smiles." Cristina tells Mommy when George, Amelia and Dylan walked over to us. Amelia wrapped her arms around my waist and hugs me close to her.

"You think he's going to need an operation?" Cristina asks us when Virginia walks over to us and looks at Joe's chart.

"Operation, yes. Ok, hard to tell. Basilar artery's blown up like a balloon. Subarachnoid bleeding. Aneurysm the size of a golf ball." Virginia says while I looked at the results of the CT.

"No way to clip something like that." Dylan says, looking over my shoulder to see the chart.

"Not without magic fingers."

"Or a standstill operation." Amelia says with a smile before kissing my cheek.

"You're doing a standstill. She's doing a standstill operation." Cristina excitedly says, her eyes lighting up like me when I see Amelia.

"I'd like to try. First I need some additional patient history, overnight labs, and a cerebral angio." Virginia says, handing the chart to Cristina.

"Amelia, go see your friend and come see me tomorrow morning." Virginia tells Amelia before leaving. 


Amelia's POV

"How are you feeling?" Richard gives me a smile as I entered the room with Clarissa following right behind me.

"If it wasn't for Clarissa, I wouldn't have gotten this tumour out." Richard says while Clarissa was playing with the bracelet that I gave her.

"We are glad you are okay sir." Clarissa says when Derek and Addison both entered the room. Derek and I both glared at each other with my right arm holding onto Clarissa protectively.

"What are you doing here Amy?!" Derek asks, raising his voice and Clarissa flinched at the volume.

"She works here now as a neurosurgical fellow under Virginia's guidance." Addison explains to Derek before Clarissa signs that she's going to get us something to drink and walks out of the room.

"Virginia hired Amelia because she didn't have her own surgeons, always sharing with you. So I agreed to hire Amelia, especially because Clarissa's been happier in the past few months ever since they started dating." Richard explains to Derek.

"Don't call me Amy anymore! Especially after you disowned me and sexually assaulted my girlfriend! Then had my biological mother and sisters disown Mark and I for siding with Clarissa. The only reason you're not in jail is because Clarissa doesn't want to press charges against you."

"The little whore wanted me! You got my sloppy seconds!" Derek shouts, causing me to glare at him while Addison stops me from attacking him. Clarissa enters the room with sodas in her hands and places one on Richard's rolling table before walking over to me. She hands me and Addison our soda before opening hers.

"Don't you ever call Clarissa that awful word Derek! If I find out you have harmed her again, I'll fire you myself and be the one to press charges." Richard says, causing Derek to glare at him before storming out of the room.

"Did I miss something?" Clarissa asks us before drinking her soda.

"No sweetheart. Just Derek being his usual rude self." Addison tells Clarissa with a smile on her face.


Meredith's POV

"Ok, people, assignments. Yang and O'Malley you're on discharges. Clarissa report to room E19. Grey you're with your girlfriend, and who was on call last night?" Dr. Bailey tells us when Alex and Izzie raise their hands. Dr. Bailey hands Alex and Izzie a stack of charts before speaking again.

"Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Redo these and return them to me before lunch, understood?" Dr. Bailey says and they both nod in response. Walking out of the locker room, I headed to the area where Addison was waiting with Derek and Burke.

"Intern you requested?" Derek glares at us while Burke gives us a smile and walks away. Addison and I headed to our patient, Julie Phillips' room where I see that she's heavily pregnant.

"Define TTTS." Addison tells me.

"Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins. Connected by blood vessels in the placenta. Meaning one twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both."

"They told me there wasn't much chance anything could be done." Julie tells us while rubbing her stomach.

"TTTS is usually impossible to correct. Unless you happen to be one of a handful of surgeons in the world who knows how to separate fetal blood vessels. Which, luckily for you, I am. So were going to get you into surgery tomorrow. If you have any questions at all please ask Dr. Grey or myself." Addison tells Julie before we leave the room and started walking down the hallway.

"Good work Meredith." Addison says before kissing me and I kiss her back.

"Burke has Clarissa watching Dr. Webber."

"Only because I asked him to let her do that since she's been working nonstop. Izzie's been making Clarissa do her charts and he knows it's Clarissa's handwriting because she's got the neatest handwriting of all the interns." Addison says and I nod, knowing that Clarissa's handwriting was better than most people here.

"Remind me to kick her ass."

"Amelia took care of that already, but I'll remind you dear." Addison tells me with a smile.

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