3rd Chapter - For Her Sake

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Y/n was sitting in a chair with his hand a little bit shaky while drinking a cup of tea in the morning. He still couldn't accept the truth that Nerissa, the woman he fell in love with was his neighbor all along.

It was true that he heard that he would have a new neighbor, but it was beyond his expectation. Not to mention, he heard that the room 414 was under renovation a little bit, he didn't think he would even get a new neighbor soon.

What to do, was on his mind all the time. Should he pretend to now know her? Or should he leave first so he wouldn't meet her? Yes, maybe that was the best decision to ever cross his mind.

He shouldn't act like he knew her since someone they knew would catch them in 4k.

'Yosh, let's do this' Y/n clenched his fist.

It was 5.30 am and Y/n was already prepared to go to school 1 hour sooner than usual. He had never gone to school this early before since his apartment was close to his workplace.

He opened the door and it was still a little bit dark. The lamps were still turned on and the sun was not yet rising since the sun usually went up at 6 am. Y/n took a deep breath before stepping outside his place and with a little glance, Y/n looked at Nerissa's room direction. It was still early in the morning, of course he couldn't find her there. 

And it was a relief.

He rushed himself but suddenly tripped on the way, "Ouch" he groaned. Though his groan was a soft one, he was still being careful and looked at Nerissa's door. "Phew, it looks like Nerissa is still sleeping" 

And then, he just went to work like that.

With that being said, Y/n knew what he should do from now on. It was a great tactic so people wouldn't catch them and misunderstood the entire situation.

Although, he felt bad.

Nerissa looked so happy that she couldn't stop talking about it after knowing Y/n was her neighbor. Her smile appeared and didn't stop even until Nerissa was in front of her door.

"See you tomorrow, Y/n" she said happily before entering her house last night.

It was just like the day before yesterday but yesterday was even more shocking.

Y/n wondered what if Jean knew about this, she would throw a lot of curses and bad words to Y/n even though Y/n was already living there for about 2 years. There was no way he would move out of the apartment just because Jean asked him to do so.

A week passed quickly, Y/n didn't even meet Nerissa even once after knowing that she was his neighbor. It would bring misunderstanding if people caught them being too close.

Just like before, Y/n would go to school so early and even sacrificed himself to go home late only so that he didn't meet Nerissa on the way. Not only that, he even went to the other store that wasn't near from his apartment.

All of that, only for Nerissa.

Y/n knew Nerissa was a nice woman, but she could be too naive to live in adult world. She didn't know that this mere problem would cost her entire career and thinkinh about that, Y/n definitely didn't want that to happen.

Today was rest day for him. Saturday and sunday were his favorite days out of the week, that was why he wanted to spend his day quiet and peacefully.

He was in front of his monitor watching some videos he was preparing for the next exams. It sounded busier than it seemed, because for Y/n it was a peace of cake. Since he was already preparing for the exams from the beginning of the semester.

That was why, he didn't look so stressed, rather he was enjoying his peaceful day.

But right after he sipped his coffee, Y/n heard a doorbell from afar. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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