2nd Chapter - Another Encounter

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Having a dinner alone never sounded so bad for Y/n until what he had recently. Sitting alone in the dinner table without another chair next or beside him, never felt so lonely to him. He put a spoonful rice towards his mouth while daydreaming about Nerissa. The spoon even had been inside his mouth since Y/n stayed still, couldn't get Nerissa out of his mind.

He even imagined Nerissa ate together with him, just like a normal married couple should be.

It would be a way out of his boring life, getting a partner so your lonely day would be gone forever.

But the harsh reality kicked in.

Instead of getting a normal love like everyone should have, but he was different from the others. He guessed that his first love would hate him one day. And maybe he should wait until the day had come. At first, he wanted to forget her as soon as possible and moved on, but it was not as easy as it sounded.

Especially the image of Nerissa in his mind was completely different from the other Cover's teachers, as if she wasn't the teacher from that school. 

Not to mention how nice and polite she sounded, making Y/n felt something he had never had, making him felt special, as if she wanted to talk with him. 

It should be much easier for him to abandon the love in his heart if Nerissa wasn't so nice. People said hating someone was the only option to forget one another.

But for him, the memory he had of her was so clear that he didn't even want to hate on her. No, he couldn't hate her.

The people who was nice to him could be counted by his fingers, that was the reason why he couldn't forget her in the slightest. But he was sure, his feelings would sway each day. It was only a love in the first sight, after all.

He was preparing for his bed and after he did, he slowly put his body on top of it and closed his eyes. He didn't forget to pull his blanket to cover his body and at the same time he suddenly thought about someone with a sigh, 

"I wonder if I married to her, her hug would be as warm as this blanket, or maybe even warmer" His voice became softer as he fell asleep right after saying the words.

In the next day, other teachers had suspicion of Y/n. After all, he was smiling all day making even the students were scared to death. They thought it was Y/n's time to torture all of them.

But Misa, one of his best f-, no... one of the few people who understand how Y/n's brain worked, knew that it was something was happening.

"Something happened, right?" Misa supported her chin with both of her hands and looked at Y/n affectionately. No, it was not because she was in love with him, but because she cared about him like a little brother.

She knew that if Y/n was pissed his hand was clenching. If he was upset, his nose was scrunching, and if he was smiling with her eyes fully opened, that meant he had a nightmare and if he was smiling with his eyes half-closed, calmly like that, Misa knew that something good happened.

"Oh, it is you Misa."

"Tell me, tell me, did something happen? You smile quite a lot today" Misa let out a smile to show him that not only him that was smiling or thing would be awkward.

Y/n knew and acknowledge her that she was someone who easy to engage conversation with other people. 

To be honest, those kind of people were the one he hated the most, knowing slowly but surely they would pry other's privacy.

But Misa was different for him. Y/n knew that she was good at keeping a secret or not to pry his privacy.

Y/n guessed that was because Misa was good at reading other people's reaction. She knew when she would stop bring the topic, or when she would talk much about it.

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