Chapter 3: The Hunt Begins

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Chapter 3: The Hunt Begins

A low hum of conversation buzzed through the bustling tavern, swirling around Rimuru like a whirlwind of voices. He sat nestled in his usual corner, his translucent form pulsating rhythmically as he absorbed the chaotic symphony of sounds. His curiosity piqued by the hushed undertones, he nudged Eryn, the nimble elf archer lounging beside him.

"What's got everyone in such a tizzy?" Rimuru gurgled, his voice barely audible over the din.

Eryn, her keen ears adept at picking up snippets of conversation even amidst the chaos, leaned closer, her emerald eyes narrowed in concentration. "They're buzzing about some hero," she explained, a hint of awe weaving into her voice. "A human, supposedly, named Kouki. Apparently, he's been single-handedly wiping out monsters and bandits across the land. They're calling him the 'Sword Saint'."

Rimuru tilted his non-existent head, a flicker of curiosity sparking within him. "A human hero, you say?" he chirped, his voice filled with a hint of surprise. The concept struck him as odd, yet strangely familiar. A wave of nostalgia washed over him, a fleeting memory of a different world, a world where humans were not anomalies but commonplace. However, the memory remained frustratingly elusive, shrouded in the fog of his forgotten past.

He glanced around the tavern, observing the animated discussions unfold. The patrons, usually a boisterous bunch, seemed transfixed by the tales of this legendary hero. Some whispered in awe, others shared embellished stories of his exploits, and a few even sported handcrafted figurines depicting a fierce warrior wielding a gleaming sword.

A pang of loneliness, an unfamiliar ache, tugged at Rimuru's core. He yearned to know more about this human hero, this Kouki, perhaps even connect with him in some way. Could he be someone from the world he so desperately wished to remember? The thought, though fleeting, stirred a flicker of hope within him.

He turned towards Eryn, his gaze filled with a determined glint. "Perhaps," he chirped, his voice laced with a newfound resolve, "we should find out more about this Kouki. Maybe he holds some answers..."

The fleeting hope Rimuru felt was abruptly extinguished like a candle snuffed out by a sudden gust of wind. A commotion erupted near the tavern entrance, drawing the attention of all patrons, including Rimuru and his companions. A group of town guards, their faces grim and determined, marched into the tavern, their heavy boots echoing on the wooden floor. Their eyes scanned the room, a flicker of recognition passing between them as they spotted Rimuru, Eryn, and Clive.

"Easy there, fellas," Eryn muttered, her hand instinctively reaching towards the quiver of arrows strapped to her back. Her sharp eyes narrowed, taking in the tense atmosphere and the drawn swords of the guards.

"Just what's going on here?" Clive boomed, his voice filled with a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

Ignoring their questions, the lead guard, a burly man with a thick, salt-and-pepper beard, pointed a steely finger at them. His voice, cold and devoid of emotion, boomed through the silent tavern.

"You three," he declared, his words heavy with accusation, "are under arrest. You stand accused of a series of robberies that have plagued our town."

Rimuru trembled, a wave of disbelief washing over him. An accusation this absurd felt like a slap in the face. He had spent weeks building a reputation as a helpful adventurer, assisting those in need and upholding a moral code that wouldn't allow him to harm anyone, let alone steal from them.

"This is preposterous!" Clive roared, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. "We haven't set foot in this town for weeks! We're adventurers, not thieves!"

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