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Oh, Lina... I don't even know where to begin. It's been years since I first realized that I had feelings for you—feelings that I couldn't just push aside. And as time went on, those feelings only grew stronger. Yet, I knew that confessing my love for you would risk our friendship, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you from my life. So, I made the difficult decision to keep it all to myself.

When you told me that you were getting married, I felt a surge of emotions—joy for you, but also a pang of sadness and a hint of jealousy. I buried those conflicting emotions deep within me and put on a brave face for you. I stood by your side as your best friend, supporting you every step of the way, even though my heart ached at the thought of you being with someone else.

After your wedding, I made peace with the fact that our relationship would inevitably change. But surprisingly, you continued to involve me in your life just as you always had. Although we couldn’t spend as much time together as before, we still shared moments of laughter, tears, and profound conversations. We didn’t miss a beat.

As time passed, we developed a sort of secret language, filled with inside jokes, meaningful glances, and unspoken sentiments. It was like we had our own little world that no one else could enter. However, I knew it was a delicate balance, one that could be shattered at any moment.

I recognized that I was treading on thin ice. I was acutely aware that I should maintain respectable boundaries, especially now that you were married. But there were times when the line between friendship and something more became blurred, and I couldn’t help but wonder if you felt the same way. You were always the first person I wanted to share my good news with, the one I turned to for solace during tough times. I convinced myself that it was just a very deep friendship, and I desperately clung to that denial.

But deep down, I knew that what we had was different. It was more intense, more profound. It was a kind of love that I had never experienced before, and it captivated my heart in a way that I couldn’t quite understand. I often found myself thinking, “What if...?” What if I had confessed my feelings before you were married? What if you felt the same way, but were also afraid to cross that boundary? What if things had been different?

I knew that harboring these feelings was selfish, but I couldn’t bring myself to sever the connection we shared. I justified the secrecy by reasoning that I was protecting our friendship and your marriage, and maybe, just maybe, I was also protecting myself from inevitable heartache.

You and I continued to meet up, and every time we did, it was like a precious stolen moment. Our conversations, filled with unspoken sentiments, grew more intense. I knew that it was risky, even dangerous, to maintain such closeness, but I couldn't resist the gravitational pull that drew me to you.

And then, one day, it all came crashing down. You confidedin me about the troubles in your marriage, and my heart broke for you. I felt the turmoil of emotions—the anger towards the person who hurt you, the desire to protect you, and an overwhelming surge of love that I couldn't contain. I wanted to be the one to comfort you, to be the pillar of support that you leaned on. But at the same time, I knew I had to step back and be mindful of my place in your life.

As much as I longed to be there for you, I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was treading dangerous waters. I couldn't continue being a part of this secret, hidden relationship that no one knew about, not even your husband. I had to make a stand, for both of our sakes.

So, I made the difficult decision to distance myself from you. I convinced myself that it was for the best, that it was the only way to preserve what little integrity remained in our relationship. It tore me apart, Lina. It was like severing a part of my own being, but I knew it was necessary.

I cast my feelings for you into the deepest recesses of my heart and attempted to move on, to give you the space you needed to sort out your own life. I watched from afar as you navigated the complexities of your marriage, and my heart ached with every tear you shed, every smile you forced. I wanted so desperately to be there for you, to mend the pieces of your broken heart, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t allow myself to intrude anymore.

And then one day, you reached out to me. You told me that you were going through a divorce, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. I had always hoped for your happiness, but the thought of you going through such pain tore me apart. Yet, the selfish part of me—the part that had kept my feelings for you hidden for so long—felt a glimmer of hope. But I quickly squashed it, reminding myself that it was not my place to interfere.

Even now, as it's been years since those tumultuous times, a part of me still wonders if things could have been different if I had confessed my feelings to you earlier. But I’ve made peace with the fact that some things are simply not meant to be. I cherish the memories we shared, the laughter and tears we exchanged, and I hold them close to my heart as bittersweet reminders of a love that could never be. And though I may never get to tell you how I truly felt, I will always cherish the bond we had, even if it was a secret hidden from the world.

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