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Forty minutes. That's how long Calum had been waiting for her.  They had not too long ago finished what was their first of three shows in England. She had teched for him tonight and it was his first time seeing her in two weeks. Two weeks that felt like an eternity.

"See you tonight?" He had asked as he swapped out his bass during their stage banter section.

"No."  She had said with a knowing smile on her face, and a daring glint in her eyes. And he had spent the next hour and a half on stage with a giddiness in the pit of his stomach.

But had she meant it?  Normally she'd let him know in advance if something came up. He looks at his phone for what felt like the hundredth time. Nothing. He knows he could just text her. But despite the quaint intimacy they shared, texting her too much, made him feel clingy.  And while he knows, she'd probably scold him for thinking such a thing, he still decides against it. Seconds later though, his phone buzzes; and he whips it right back out of his pocket with an embarrassing amount of swiftness.

Ashton: Old Shades, tonight?

He sighs in disappointment.  While he didn't feel up for much, he did promise he'd go out with them the next time.

Calum: sounds good.

If she wasn't going to show up, then he'd rather spend his night drinking tap beer with the boys.

Right as he's about to decide whether he should stay or leave, he hears the creak of the door opening and closing. Her footsteps are slow and even as she heads toward him. She lets out a tired breath, dropping her knapsack to the ground, and pulling out a cigarette. He hears her tinker with the lighter, and after the fourth unsuccessful try, he takes it; lighting it for her. She takes a long drag before handing it to him to do the same.

"Sorry." She finally says after a beat.

He turns to look at her. There's a small layer of sweat on her forehead and her curls are less tamed than usual. Her head rests on the wall they stand against. He takes one last drag before snuffing the cigarette out.

"Hey, you just lit th—"

He cuts her off, pressing his lips to hers. He feels proud when her body relaxes, a small hum leaving her lips. "How are you, doll?"

"Better now." She sighs. "Davis had something to do, so Nathan asked me to cover for him last minute and finish pack up." I swear if I'm not ripped by the end of this tour, I did something wrong."

"You're already ripped."

"Yeah, but not as ripped as you: so I've still got work to do." She jokes.

"Couldn't Chad pack up?"

"Guess not. He told Nathan he was only one person and needed help. So, Nathan kind of pulled me last minute and asked me. And my phone died, so that's why I couldn't text you."

"You should talk to Nathan."

She smiles to herself. "I'm a big girl, Calum. I can handle pushing a few cases. And even if I was to go to Nathan, what would I even tell him? I don't want to do my job anymore?"

"No, but it can be something along the lines of you preferring if Chad and Davis deal with the heavy lifting. Pretty sure something like that is in your contract."

"I appreciate the thought, Cal. But I've gotta pay my dues around here. Besides, if I'm more ripped than you, then you can't weaponize your abs anymore."

"I do not weaponize my abs."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She snorts. "Oh, before I forget, I've got a gift for you."

"A gift?" He asks intrigued.

"Just for you." She reaches into her knapsack, pulling out a plastic bag.

"I love how you wrapped it." He jests.

"Thanks, I was going for apathetic." She watches as he unties the bag; pulling out the Tupperware. "It's uhm...pineapple upside down cake. I made it." She says suddenly bashful.

"Really?" He says amused. Countless of times he had asked her to make this famous pineapple upside down cake she had boasted about.

"Don't look so smug. My dad loved it, so I figured you might too." She fiddles nervously with her nails.  She watches as he examines the Tupperware. "It's still good, if that's what you're worried about. I put it in the fridge as soon as we landed in Wales."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm trying to see if the layering is right. I've been watching Top Chef, and I've learned a thing or two."

"The layering is just fine, you goof." She laughs. "I made sure of it."

"Thank you...for this. And for thinking of me." He says the last part lower.

She shrugs. "It's nothing."

"No, it's something." He uses his free hand to push some of her hair out of her face. "You're something."

"Something good I hope."

"Something great." And before he can go in to kiss her, his phone rings. He sighs, reaching for it in his pocket. "It's Mike."

"You guys got plans huh?"

"Yeah," He silences the call.  "I promised I wouldn't bail on them the next time around so..."

She nods. "Ok, cool."

"You're not upset, are you?"

"Why would I be upset that you're going out with your friends?" She chuckles. "Besides, Mindy and Austin were thinking of going out tonight. I'll see if they're still up for it."

"You guys can always come to... Old Shades?"

"And why would we do that?" She asks knowingly.

"Just a friendly suggestion."

"A friendly suggestion." She repeats. "Call me crazy here, but it sounds like you're trying to tell me that you guys are going to Old Shades."

"I mean, you might see us there. You might not."

"Sure." She laughs, picking up her knapsack. "Have fun, but I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Are you asking for someone to figure us out?" She snorts. "Besides, it's not like anything's gonna happen. You'll be with your crew, and I'll be with mine."

"I mean, who knows what can happen?"

She leans up to peck his lips. "Like I said, have fun. I'll text you later." She goes to leave.

"You guys are coming to Old Shades tonight, Gale."

And the tone of his voice is what really gets her. She stops, turning to look at him. "Are you asking or telling me?"

He walks toward her; and with each step her heart beats a little faster. His lips are dangerously close to her ear. "I'll let you decide that." He sides steps her and heads for the door.

When he leaves, she laughs to herself. "Well played, Hood."

Well, played indeed. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

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