A Dream To The Past-23

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The red hair of a young boy fell over his eyes. The bluish-gray eyes focused on the stack of paper on his table. It hasn't been long since the day began, but his mother insisted on starting early in the morning.

Start what?

Learning. That was all his day consisted of. Learning, a healthy meal, learning, a short break and back to learning. Though a normal kid could never keep up with a schedule like that, he was different. From his birth till now, a schedule has been made of what he has to complete everyday. It was normal in the boy's eyes. Never had friends, never an unhealthy meal, never a loving family.

A change would've been nice once in a while. But every kid is going through this at some point, right? He didn't know. Outside of his room is a world he never explored. It made him curious but at the same time his mother warned him of the humans that lived out there. How cruel they were, how unforgiving and utterly disrespectful.

It didn't stop his curiosity tho. And when a girl suddenly appeared in his room his eyes almost popped out of his head. She blinked in confusion.

What the hell just happened? And where tf am I?

The girl, also known as Y/n, looked around the room she just spawned. Not noticing the boy at his table that just stared at her with eyes.

"U-Uh... How did you get in here? And who are you?!" Y/n recognized that voice somehow, even though it was a bit squeakier than usual. She quickly turned to the boy with red hair and her eyes widened like his.

It was Riddle.

Well, Riddle as a young boy.

But how? Is this another dream?

"Are you perhaps... Riddle?" She was asking just to make sure. It didn't make sense tho. How come she is with Riddle as a literal child.

"How do you know my name?! I have never seen you before! What are you doing here?!" As he screamed his lungs out at her, slow steps were heard outside of his room. Before the two of them could react, the door opened to reveal non other than Riddle's mother. Her brows furrowed and a scowl present on her face. The young boy glanced at his mother and then back at the woman that appeared out of nowhere.

"Just what is going on here that you have to scream like that, Riddle?" The red head looked at the floor in shame.

"I apologize, mother. Do you know this woman?" He pointed at Y/n who didn't dare to move a finger. His mother on the hand raised the once furrowed brow.

"Just who are you pointing at? Riddle, son, you aren't having imaginary friends, are you?" Riddle looked at her confused. He could see the woman clearly. She wasn't an illusion. So why can't his mother see her?

"Of course not, mother. Apologies." He bowed to her and watched as she shook her head and left the room with a last message.

"Don't forget your piano and violin lessons. It would be a shame to your name to be imperfect, you know that, Riddle."

Y/n's eyes sharpened. She didn't expect the tyrant's mother to be such a... hypocrite. It made sense he turned out this way. Nagging at everything and everyone. Putting a collar on them if they break a rule.

The boy's eyes left the girl and he sat down on his chair again. A pen in his hand and his mind back at the papers.

"Ah... Mommy issues."

That was the perfect sentence to start a wholesome conversation.

Her figure walked over to the young boy and stared at the sheet he was working on. She wondered if a touch would even do much. Can she touch him? One way to find out. A hand was soon placed on Riddle's shoulder. The touch warm and unfamiliar with him.

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