"The Journal"

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Daryl Dixon Series:
Season 3, Episode 2

The sun was busy setting as Michelle was sitting in the exact same spot on the grassy balcony. Keith left after she broke his wrist to get it banaged up, but Keith's armed men were watching her. The armed men spoke in French amongst themselves, thinking that Michelle didn't understand them, but she understood every word.

Michelle heard them talk about the other ship that was suppose to leave tomorrow night, but Keith has made changes in the plan because of her. Michelle smirked, happy to know she somehow put a pause on their plans. Now, she has to put a stop to it, but she needed a plan and she needed Daryl to help her too.

Michelle heard footsteps behind her and then she saw Keith walk by her and he stood close to the edge of the balcony. Michelle looked down at the grass in front of her as Keith glanced over his shoulder at her.

''You certainly learned some new moves since I last saw you.'' Keith said, but Michelle didn't look at him. ''Doctor says it'll heal in a couple of weeks.''

Michelle started to clean the dust off of the petals of a flower that was in front of her.

''So, how long have you & Daryl Dixon known each other?'' Keith asked. ''It can't be too long seeing as he was brought over here on my ship about 3 weeks ago.''

That was when a question came to Michelle's mind. Daryl found out from Keith that he was brought over here via Keith's ship to be a test subject of the new virus, but Keith never told Daryl where they met or where Keith might've ambushed Daryl with his men.

''Where did you find Daryl?'' Michelle asked as she slowly glared up at Keith.

''In America.'' Keith said.

''I know that. But where in America?'' Michelle asked sounding annoyed.

''Why do you care?'' Keith asked.

''Answer the damn question, Keith.'' Michelle was pissed off now.

''Cleveland, Ohio.'' Keith said calmly. ''Remember, I had a lab in Ohio? I was there when Daryl was searching for answers about how Walkers are becoming more advanced.''

''And so you drugged him to make him forget. Typical.'' Michelle said.

''Had to stop him from finding out the truth.'' Keith said with a shug. ''Then I brought him here, but he took a little detour.''

''Asshole.'' Michelle mumbled.

''Why do you care so much about a man you've only known for less than a month?'' Keith asked as he took a few steps to Michelle. ''You & I were going to get married.''

''You took me away from my family!'' Michelle shouted before standing up. ''Why in the hell would I marry someone who drugged me, dragged me to Paris unconscious and kept me hostage in a hotel suite?!''

''I did that because I love you.'' Keith said. ''And I didn't want to lose you.''

''That's not love, Keith!'' Michelle shouted again. ''You took me away from my family 14 years ago. And you did it again today.''

Keith saw the pain in Michelle's eyes as she spoke a little more calmly.

''The Keith Callaway that I was going to marry would have never done any of that to me.'' Michelle said, hoping that what she was doing was actually going to work.

Michelle knew Keith loved her, even to this day, but if she ever wanted to get him to open up about everything that he is doing with this new virus, she needed to play on his emotions by bringing up her own pain in this situation. Michelle needed to get him to drop his guard around her and get him to trust her and somehow make him believe that she trusts him. Even though she never would.

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