End of Jimin's pov,

When Jimin looked at Jungkook and Taehyung after finishing his story, they had tears in their eyes and Jungkook was red faced like a bunny. Jimin smile a little looking at them.
"Don't cry, it's over. It's been a month. " Jimin said but still had some tears in his eyes, but did not let them fall.
"Hyung, I don't want to let him suffer more! Can't we help him? " Said Jungkook to Taehyung
"I will ask the police head, I hope I can help him. Let's go. Don't worry Jimin-shi, we will do all we can to help you. " Said Taehyung.
"Trust us. We wont betray you. Promise" Said Jungkook .
Then both the boys went out of the cell and said that they want that boy out of cell to Officer Ji -ho.
Ji -ho listened to him and took out all the files related to Park Song. Then made a few phone calls and then ended the call with a smile.
"He can be bailed out and be free. I told the whole story to the deputy chief and as the Song's family did not register a case to arrest the murderer, Park Jimin can be bailed out. But we would need some money to help him out. Some stubborn officers are still present in department who don't even move a finger for help unless provided money.
"Don't worry about money at all . Tell me the amount and I will transfer right away. " Said Taehyung and Ji-ho told that he needs 1 lakh won. Taehyung quickly took out his credit card and transferred the money. Jungkook sprinted off towards the cell and took the keys from the guard and opened the cell and pulled Jimin out. Jimin looked hesitant but Jungkook assured him that he is free.
Taehyung showed him his boxy smile and took Jimin's other hand and the trio left the police station, with Jimin repeatedly thanking Ji-ho and the other two also said thanks.
The trio walked in the pathway for sometime.
"Jimin hyung, will you live with the two of us, or would you like to return to your family? " Asked Jungkook.
"Umm.. I know Song was involved in many illegal stuff and had quite a number of followers. If I went back to my family, they would cause another trouble and I can't let that happen. " Said Jimin.
"Hmm...you have a point. It's better that you stay with us. " Said Taehyung.
"I am glad to add another member to our little family. " Said Jungkook with hai bunny smile which made Jimin feel warm and he felt better. Taehyung was just starring at his cute little bunny.
"Then let's go find a hotel to stay and order what you want. Feel free we have much money to last" Said Taehyung.
"Ummm...I want to first visit my mother's grave, ummm... Can we go there first? " Said Jimin.
Taehyung was about to say something when Jungkook yelled for a taxi and pulled the three inside.
"What is the address to graveyard, Jimin-shi? " Asked Jungkook and Jimin smiled at him in amusement as he did not even hesitate once. Jimin told the address and they went off.
When they reached the grave yard, Jimin went ahead and Taehyung was about to follow when Jungkook stopped him.
"Hyung, it's better if he is alone " Said Jungkook and Taehyung nodded.

Jimin saw her mother's name engraved nicely in a grave and white lilly flowers placed on it. They had not dried up yet.
"Father must have visited her." Thought Jimin.
Then he took a deep breath .
"Mumma, your son is free. Two kind souls came and helped me out. I think they were send by you. Kind, pure just like you. Mumma, I will keep my promise of taking care of myself. And I also need to take care of these two souls. They helped me, I need to repay them. I am their hyung. I am sure father is taking care of himself and our little baby. He was strong by heart and mind. Mumma, I will grow strong, so strong that no one will be able to harm my loved ones, again. I promise that. And I will visit you whenever I will get time, I don't know how I will live my life from now on, but I will make sure not to have a SECOND REGRET. "Said Jimin in tears and weary voice and then left the place.
He saw Taehyung and Jungkook standing while leaning in a tree. And the journey of three began waiting for the fourth one to join.

Back to present, (In Bangtan's mansion)
"Is... Is that the reason, why you were angry at me when I said 'That Thing' when I was doing my first challenge" Said Namjoon.
"I just.. Just dont like anyone saying that, I don't let anyone say that things. I just want everyone to have a positive attitude and never surrender. That is a promise I have kept until  now. " Said Jimin.
"Yeah, and that promise improved all of us unintetionally. All because of our Jimin-shi. Whenever, there was a group fight in the past, he was like an eagle gawking at every member to see if they are safe. And if he sees any danger, he would come in front of them and take the pain on himself . He was injured because of that habit many times, so we practiced more on ourselves and made sure that we keep ourselves safe. "Said Jungkook.
" Hmmm... But according to Jimin hyung, Taehyung took care of Jungkook hyung , but now it seems the opposite, why is that? "Asked Namjoon while looking at Seokjin hyung while sniffling his nose which was red due to crying.
" Yeah...that changed. This one changed from serious one to carefree nature  due to his members I guess. And Kookie, he changed as being more protective of us. So he is now a muscle bunny who is more vocal for his feelings towards us. "Said Seokjin.
Namjoon smiled hearing that they changed in a good way.
" Ummm. What is your story hyung? "Namjoon asked a little bit more interested in Seokjin.
"My story!! Uhh....There is no story. My life was not hard... Not hard like others. Both my mom and dad were in mafia and i was always alone. So did not have much affection towards them . When they were killed by the enemy, I became the leader. At that time, my father's gang was not so big and popular. I had only learned to take revenge, so i killed the gang who killed my parents and naturally my power grew with time. But i was not so friendly, and always was angry and cold. When the members came in my life, I slowly slowly learned what brotherhood means, the words like forgiveness, happiness etc started making meaning in my life. And i am always thankful for that. But yes, I can tell you how I met these three and how we became friends "Said Seokjin.
" He never told us about himself that much. He doesn't like it. We also never asked "whispered Taehyung to Namjoon who looked a little disappointed that Seokjin did not share his past with them. Is what he telling real Or there is something else to this story?

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