Chapter 7

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"Wow... 10/10." Aika said, having just checked the last question she had given Ai. The two were in class after school, alongside Mii and Mai; everyone else had left already.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, a perfect score, guess I'm buying today."

"Hmm? Buying what?" Mii chimed in.

"Oh, I'm buying ice cream for Ai after class, since she passed the quiz."

"Hmm, oh really?" She hummed, taking a quick glance at Ai, whose cheeks had a tinge of pink.

"Yeah, you two wanna join us? You'll have to pay for yourself, though."

"Thanks for the offer, but Mai and I have something we need to do today."

"H-Huh, we do?"

Mii subtlety elbowed Mai, who was sitting at a desk next to her.

"O-Oh, yeah, we do."

"Well, that's too bad, maybe next time then."

"Yeah... anyway, we have to go now." Mii said, pulling Mai up by her arm.


"Yep, see you on Monday. Bye you two!" Mai shouted as she was pulled out of the room by Mii, giving a wink to Ai as she left, not sticking around long enough to see her cheeks turn red.

"Bye..." Aika mumbled as the two ran out. "That was weird... Wanna go get that ice cream now?"

"H-Huh? Oh, y-yeah, let's go."

"So, which flavor do you want?"


"Alright." Aika turned to the man behind the counter. "Can I get a strawberry and a chocolate chip?"

"Of course, pretty girl." The man flirted as he scooped the ice cream, passing it to Aika. "Anything else?" He asked with a wink.

"Um, no thanks."

"Alright, that'll be 500 yen. Normally it would be 580, but I put in my employee discount for you."

Aika passed the ice creams to Ai as she reached into her bag, taking out 580 yen. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary."

"Please, I insist." He slid the extra 80 yen back to Aika while putting on his most charming smile. Aika cringed as she took the money and put it back in her bag, along with the receipt he had placed next to it—a receipt with a phone number on it. "Hope to see you again, angel."

"Oh, uh... thanks. But I'm not interested." She said, quickly heading out of the store with Ai.

"Does that happen often?" Ai asked as the two walked, eating their ice cream. They had been walking in silence for the past minute.

"...No. That was the first."


"Do you think it's the hair?"

"What do you mean?"

"Should I dye it back to blonde?"

"No. You look great with purple hair, it really makes your eyes pop."

"Haha, that might be the problem. I mean, it makes me stand out from a distance, and I'm guessing it really makes the eyes noticeable from up close."

"Yeah, but that's not a bad thing. If some guy hits on you and doesn't get the memo you're not interested, then you shouldn't have to change your appearance just to stop that from happening. Besides, you were super pretty before anyway, he would've hit on you either way."

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