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Marina sat in one of the thousands of grey, metal seats inside the giant room. She and many others were dressed in sack-dresses, with paper strips to tie their hair back. They had all sat in the room for days, eating nothing but  a glass of water and a slice of bread everyday. In the front of the large room was a small wooden stage. they all started silently at the stage all day, everyday. A man walked into the room. Noone's heads turned, as they would be punished if they did so. After the man two other men came into the room. The man who wlake din first was a chubby man with a bald head and a tiny moustache, who was sweating all over in his white silk suit. The other two men where also fat, and bald. 

The men stood on the stage, staring at all the girls. the reason the men were here, you ask? They were all here to buy girls. All were rulers of rich and prospurous worlds, and they needed girls to populate their cities. The first man was Mr. Berdington, the owner of all the girls in the room. The men walked around, and after a minute the men whispered in Mr. Berdington's ear, and he waved for us all to stand up. 

"All blondes out the front door, now."Mr. Berdington yelled. "Redheads go out the back door, black-haired girls go out the stage-door. Brunnettes stay here." He waves for us to begin, and so I take my seat, as I am a brunnette. Mr. Berdington comes closer to examine the brunnettes. He walks by the rows upon rows of brunnettes, and he stops at each row. "Sorin, Yima, Tura, Rumi, and Dera. Go sit on the stage." The girls rise from the row. He continues to call out names, and more girls rise from the rows. At last, he stops at my row. "Tori, Gina, Miri, Nima, Yema, Wera, Kila, and Marina, go sit on the stage." 

My heart races, and I wlak to the stage, and take a seat by another girl. He tells us girls on the stage to go out the door with him, and we leave the remaining girls behind. He take sus to a room where some blonds, redheads, and black-haired girls are gathered. "You girls have been selected by two men. This is a good chance, and you must behave. They will take you to a trading world, where you will be sold to other world-leaders." He gestures to a pile of rags and scraps of sack. "You must make new clothes for your journey, this is a test and you may have better chances the better you are dressed." With that, he left us in the room, with nothing but the scraps of cloth. 

Girls grapped chunks of cloth and sat down in their own corner, trying to find a needle. I waited until the girls had grabbed what they needed and less girls where now gathered around the pile.  Upon examining, I found that I could unravel a sack and use the unraveled string as thread. I lookeda round the dusty room, but could not find anything that could be used as a needle. That moment, some people walked into the room with fish, rice, and some wilted lettuce. I was handed mine, and I slowly ate. One of the cooks handed out some stale bread, and a big bottle of water. I drank some of the water, but kept the bread on my plate. 

I was eating the fish when I realized that there was bones, and I looked at one of the bigger bones. It was thin enough to use as a needle. but strong enough not to break. I grabbed a stray rock from the floor and carfully carved a hole in the fish bone as some other bones as well. I grapped the dust and sand from the floor and rubbed the bones until they were smooth. I carfully threaded the needle, and I looked for my fabric that I had taken from teh pile, but could not find it. 

"Gina took it." I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I quickley turned around, and saw a girl who looked around my age, and I recognized her as Rumi. "I have some scraps I can spare." She added. She handed me some brown fabric, and strips of sack. I looked at Rumi's lap, and saw she had assembled a pretty purple dress. "It will go with your hair." I told her, smiling. She smiled back. "I am struggling with the stitching though." Rumi said. "I unraveled some sack and made thread." I told her, passing her some of the unraveled sack and one of my needles.

She smiled, and started stiching her dress. I went back to my dress. After a long time, my dress was completed. I held it up, and smiled. It looked okay, and Yumi smiled. "Yours is so pretty." I said to her. And it was true. Her dress was simple but pretty, with a deep maroon colour. 


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

That is the end to the first chapter! Tell me in the comments whether I should continue this story or not! Go read my other seires too! Thank you

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

That is the end to the first chapter! Tell me in the comments whether I should continue this story or not! Go read my other seires too! Thank you

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 29 ⏰

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