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(A/N: enjoyyyy. If I make an error tell me. I'm not exactly proofreading this stuff and writing is a hobby not a passion. I hope this is alright I'm not sure..its boring rn but the prologue to these things are usually like that
For the Kokichi lovers and Isekai lovers)


Your head hurts like hell.

When you opened your eyes you realized you were in a confined space. This startled you and caused panic.

You pushed out in front of you and that seemed to do the trick. You flinched as your eyes adjusted to the scene. It wasn't bright but you were in pitch black darkness for a moment there.

You felt unwell. This seemed so familiar.


Danganronpa. You realized. Danganronpa v3 to be exact.

You were in a classroom that aligned up with your memories. You turned around to see that you were shoved into a locker. It was exactly what happened to Kaede and Shuichi. They were thrown into lockers and wound up in a classroom similar to this.

"Oh shit." You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.

You made sure to pinch yourself just in case this was a realistic dream.

"Nope, this is real." You whispered to yourself.

It was actually real! This caused a big grin on your face. You were in Danganronpa. It was your favorite too! Danganronpa V3 became your favorite when it was released.

Your eyes darted over to the exit of the room when you heard running and shouting. It was probably the Ultimate students running from the Exisals. It would be wise to just go find the gym and join the others. You opened the door and the hallways look like it has been abandoned for a long time. You do wonder why they had to make this place so disgusting to look at.

You went ahead and kept walking. You didn’t notice any Exisals when you began your journey down the halls. They must already be in the gym or perhaps you must be completely late to the party. You picked up the pace until you found yourself facing a door. You didn’t have such a vivid memory of the place but you were sure this had to be the door. You pressed your ear against the door to hear.

“Anyway, why does it matter if there are 16 of us? There might be more coming.” A voice was heard.

That had to be Kaito right? It seems the discussion has already begun. You can't believe you're actually here. A small part of you was hoping this was some twisted nightmare.

“Nah, I think this is all of us.” who you assumed to be Rantaro replied, “If this is what I think it is, anyway.”

You took a deep breath before you decided to open the gym doors. You might’ve been a bit loud about it as everyone looked directly at you. Rantaro looked surprised at your entrance which made sense as you made 17 not 16.

You felt on edge, “Uh, hi?”

“Or not…Maybe this is different or something weird.” Amani pondered with himself.

“So there are more of us huh?!” A loud voice filled the silence. Miu Iruma.

You guys were interrupted.

“Okayyy, quiet everyone! Shimmy down, shimmy down!”

“No, no, no,” another corrected, “it’s simmer down.”

“Huh? Who’s that? Where are they?” the blue-haired girl's eyes darted around the room

You had to admit it. She was really good at playing dumb and hiding in plain sight. Hah, plain sight.

“Kyahaha! Thanks for bearing with us!” They all spoke in unison as the exisals surrounded us.

Tsumugi screamed loudly.

“Damn it! There are more monsters! We’re surrounded!” Kaito exclaimed.

“These aren’t monsters. They’re Exisals.” The red Exisal corrected.

The yellow one explained further, “They’re highly mobile bipedal weapons platforms.”

You had absolutely no idea what that sentence actually meant. It was one way to make me and everyone else who isn’t Miu feel stupid.

You got bored if you were honest. You didn’t feel like going through the whole entire prologue again. You went to sit beside the gym doors to relax for a bit. Maybe when Monokuma shows up you’ll start paying attention.

You looked up to see clothes being thrown into the air. This part? The damn magical girl transformation was happening. How long were you daydreaming for?

You lost those boring school clothes you completely forgot you were even wearing. You got put into some new clothes that you didn’t mind at all! The outfit was perfect for your taste. There was no obvious ultimate talent to come out of it though.

What was your Ultimate talent? Did you even get an Ultimate?

“Next up, the memory youse all been waiting for.” Monosuke brought memories up.

Monokid started speaking, “Hell yeah! Get ready! Once the seal is broken, we’ll be in the domain of the-”

“Can’t I just step out or something?” You wondered out loud.


“You only need 16…can’t I just spectate or something.” You gave a small smile, standing up.

“I don’t think you can do that, wait can you?” Monophanie was genuinely confused.

“No, once you are part of the game you are a part of it.” Monosuke was quick to debunk stepping out of this.

“Why though? I didn’t audition, did I?” You were probably pushing this.

You ended up locking eyes with Rantaro. He looked pretty convinced you knew what was going on and he was certainly not wrong. You had such a suspicious look in his eyes. You did know but he probably thought you were the mastermind now…It didn’t matter anyways since this was the prologue.

You focused your attention back onto the Monokubs.

“You’re right! I don’t remember you at all.” Monotaro gasped at the realization.

“Whattttt?” Monophanie yelled dramatically.

“What does that-” Amani questioned.

“Shush it know-it-all!” Monotaro interrupted.

“We’ll deal with it later!” Monokid yelled.

“Now then, after the Flashback Light helps you remember your amazing talents…this amazing story will begin for real this time!”

“So long, bear well!” The monokubs made their exit.

You saw the bright light of the Flashback light and proceeded to faint.

(guys I literally don’t know how to continue this without an ultimate talent for Y/N. somebody bless me with an idea. also if there is stupid errors tell me.)

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