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On the same day back at Rimshire, Juline was telling her and Dex that they were going to visit Havenfield. "...it'll be fun! You two and Sophie can get to know each other better without me and your Uncle Grady and Aunt Edaline looming over your shoulders."

Skylar wasn't really sure if she wanted to go. Sure, Sophie seemed nice, but her only friend was one who she only saw at Foxfire, they'd never met outside of school. she just had no idea how to act around strangers, that's really the gist of it. 

Dex, on the other hand, was practically bouncing up and down in his seat. "Yes! I wonder what kinds of human stuff is in her room! Maybe one of those big TV's, or--"

Juline laughed. "Now, don't get too far ahead of yourself, Dex. Remember, don't bombard her with questions, and try to not pester her about her past, unless she brings it up first. Now, let's go."

The fact that Skylar's opinion wasn't weighed in did not go unnoticed by her.

After they leaped to Havenfield, Skylar opened her eyes to see her Uncle Grady and Sophie in the animal pastures. 

Grady waved. "Had to come see for yourself, Juline?"

"I am allowed to visit my sister and brother-in-law, am I not?" Skylar's mother's gaze latched onto Sophie and inspected her. Sophie's face flushed slightly and she looked down at her feet.

Her Uncle Grady chuckled. "Where's the rest of the family?"

"Home with Kesler." Juline patted Dex and Skylar's shoulders. "Hope it's ok that I brought these kids along." Grady nodded in acknowledgement.

"Sophie, why don't you show Skylar and Dex your bedroom? I'm sure Edaline and Juline have plenty to catch up on." Grady said while walking with the group through the main entrance of the estate. 

As they climbed the stairs to the third floor, Dex had already started with the outpouring of questions and comments--completely ignoring their mother's instructions. Sophie would only either nod or shake her head in response since any verbal answers were swallowed by Dex's talking. 

Sophie finally opened the door to her room and plunked onto the bed, Skylar right behind her. Dex began to inspect Sophie's human clothes, and eventually found her scrapbook. He started rapidly flipping through the pages until he found a picture of the Fosters at what seemed to be a human beach.

"This is you, right?" Dex asked, pointing at Sophie who was sitting in the background. 

"Yeah, that was last summer."

"Is this your dad?"

Sophie coughed. "Yes, er, the guy who raised me." She seemed to be blinking back tears at this point. 

Skylar cleared her throat more loudly than necessary. "And Dex will now stop pestering Sophie just as Mother told us not to. Right?"

Dex crossed his arms defensively. "I wasn't pestering."

Skylar sighed. "You were and you know it." On the last word, she picked him up using telekinesis and jostled him a bit before setting him down again.

"Wait--was that telekinesis?"

Skylar suddenly didn't feel so bold anymore. "Um,  yes." Sophie smiled. 

Dex had returned to rifling through Sophie's belongings and held up some sort of device. "This is one of those music things, right?" he asked, already fiddling with it. Skylar leaned over his shoulder, curious.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Sophie stood up and stood next to them.

Dex pointed between himself and his sister. "Our mom is into human movies, and one of them showed this in it." He frowned when he realized the iPod was dead.

"Yeah, no outlets here, so I can't charge it." Sophie responded sadly. 

Dex pried off the side panel and inspected the inside of the device. "I'll bet I could make it solar powered if I tried."

Dex could seem to make somewhat absurd things work out, gadgets wise, so Skylar was pretty confident in his abilities. 

As if forgetting the iPod, he set it down and began checking out Sophie's school supplies. "Hey, we could help you find your way around tommorow!" Dex exclaimed excitedly. 

Sophie looked hopefully at Skylar for confirmation, to which she shrugged lightly. "That'd be fine with me."

"You don't care being seen with the weird new brown-eyed girl with a weird human past?"

"Nah, I can't wait to tell everyone that I was your friend first!"

"What about Skylar?" Sophie laughed then turned to said girl. Again she shrugged, subconsciously emitting a small smile. 

Dex put a hands on Sophie's and Skylar's shoulders, pushing them toward eachother. "Fine, me and Sky are tied. But we're still all friends, right?"

Sophie smiled at Skylar. "I think so."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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