Its been at-least a month now, and your starting to get bored. Really bored. Before you went on tour with Al and the others, you found numerous interviews where he said that all they do is sit on their computers all day. Now that your actually there, you realized that Al wasn't kidding. You didn't wanna bother them since they're already old and senile, but at the same time you didn't have any fun. Luckily, today is a day with no shows for them, which means you could maybe treat them and take them out. 

Although this sounds like an excellent plan, theres a problem. As you get off the small bed in Al's space, everyone is sleeping. You check the time, its already 11pm! You look out the window, and the bus weirdly stopped at the town that you went to the concert at. The same one that they recruited you to be on tour with. Your hometown.

You burst into tears, since this must mean they're taking you back home! You ponder on why they would do this, since it sounded like they all loved you! Being on tour with them felt like they were your close personal friends!! 

Al hears your inconveniently loud sobbing and walks over to you to ask whats wrong. "Is everything okay?" He said in a half asleep voice, yawning. "..Why are we at the city where i met you?" You ask him. He sighs.. "Look, the end of the tour is coming up soon, and this is the only way that we can drop you off. But dont worry, we're gonna have so much fun today!" Al explains. Your face lights up a bit, and you smile at him. "Y'know, i was gonna treat you guys out today. All you do is go on your computers, eat, and sleep all day!" You confess to him. "Give us a break! Besides, we're also here because the tour is..well, ending!" Al says playfully. You sigh and nod in agreement onto Al's decision.

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