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Al invites you to his room on the bus. You follow him and inside is a bed, a huge tv, a nightstand, and a closet. The bus smells like if Al's breath, and BO was x24. It heavily smelled like old people, and sweat, which is understandable, knowing they're all 60 -70 years old, and they've been doing really heavy tours and shows for 4 decades. Al asks you, "whats your name?" You respond, "Y/N...hehe..". Al compliments you, "what a beautiful name.." you thank him.

While you are "hanging out", and talking with Al, he seems tired, so you try not to speak too much, considering he has done like 20 shows in the past 3 weeks. He leans on your shoulder for a bit, and starts to doze off, resting in your lap. You notice him sleeping on you and cant help but to awe a bit. His body is fairly squishy, but soft like a pillow. His snoring is quite loud, as you see his stomach rise and fall to his breathing. He feels very sweaty and warm on your lap, which you find adorable. You look at your phone to check the time: 8pm. "Must be his bedtime..thats so wholesome" You awe and stare at him with loving eyes. You start to doze off, and end up sleeping with al.

Long hours start to pass with al still sleeping like a cat on your lap, by and you suddenly wake up, and its already 11pm. You get off from the bed and tuck Al in his cozy bedsheets, and attempt to leave, but as you walk to the exit, you notice way more people, including the band sleeping. You look out the window, and the bus is moving!

Apparently, the band didn't check Al's room with you in it, and now your off to a whole new city! You panic, and check the tour dates to see where your heading. It says the next show after yesterdays is....LAS VEGAS, NEVADA...

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