2-8: Court

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Everyone begins to gather in the court room, "Can I get a shower? I smell like I slept in a dirty ass cell...OH WAIT! I did!!" Kamari shouted mad salty

The Squad
The Gang
The Crew
The Side Characters
The Homeboys

All that, they walk in and Kamari lets out a breath of relief, "Mari what the hell is happening?" Jimmy asks

"Dude at this point your guess is as good as mine." Kamari says dropping his head

"ORDA IN DA COURT!" The Judge shouts, Everyone turns to the judge, "Be seated."

Everyone sits except for Jimmy...

Oh I'm going to hell for that one...

"Kamari Green, Your accused of sexual assault and rape how do you plea?" The Judge asks

"Not Guilty!" Kamari shouts

"Ok...Will the victim step forward." The Judge

Katy walks forward and stands before the jury, "Ms. Barnes please tell the court today what happened." The Judge says

"Well I'll try." She says as she puts on the water works drawing a sigh of annoyance from Jamari, "I was trying to head to bed but then he stumbled in drunk because as I told the court everyone was drinking."

This draws eyes from Alejandra because that's not true.

"He said manny was sleeping and he said don't fight it it's gonna happen regardless and then...and then he raped me." Katy says crying

"That's bullshit!" Kamari shouts

"QUIET MR. GREEN or I will hold you in contempt!" The Judge shouts

Kamari drops his head, "I'm sorry that happened to you...May the Defendant step forward."

Kamari gets up as Katy side eyes him smirking, "Kamari will you tell us your side of the story."

"Gladly. Everyone was drinking except for me and manny, I took her to bed and went downstairs to get my mom who was as well drunk and that's when Katy pounced on my black ass and tried to get with me, she grabbed me so I pushed her aside and walked away." Kamari explains

"I see, so you assaulted her." Judge says

Kamari: 😧

"WHAT?!?!" He shouts at the top of his lungs

"You admit to assaulting the plaintiff." Judge says

"Judge I'm not saying your a dumbass, BUT HOW THE FUCK IS PUSHING SOMEONE ASSAULT YOU ACT LIKE I Chris Brown'd the bitch!" Kamari shouts

"Order!" Judge shouts, "You may be seated."

Kamari sighs and sits down, "Will Jimmy Brooks Step Forward." Katy's Lawyer says

Jimmy looks down.

"I mean roll forward." Lawyer says

Jimmy rolls over to them.

"Jimmy, I see your a paraplegic. May I ask how that happened?" Lawyer asks

"Some guy Rick Murray shot me in the spine." Jimmy responds

"I see and was Rick Murray not the plaintiff's friend." Lawyer says

"Well yes but..." Jimmy says

"So it's true that Mr. Green was friends with a school shooter?" Lawyer asks

Kamari slams his head against the table.

"Ok he was friends with Rick beforehand!" Jimmy shouts

"Sure and would you say Kamari is violent?" The Lawyer asks

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