1-12: The Play

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Terri runs over to Rick who seems pissed, "Good news Rick!" She shouts

Rick glares, "R-Really? What is it?" Rick asks

"So I was talking to the stage director about the kissing scene with Kamari." Terri says

Rick's anger flares up but he manages to keep himself contained, "So there's a kissing scene between you and Kamari..." Rick begins

"Yeah, but great news we talked to the director and she said you can switch out with Kamari at the play!!" Terri shouts

Rick freezes as his anger dies down, "Really?" Rick asks

"Yeah!" Terri shouts, "Cmon the play is today we need to get you sized up!"

Rick smiles, "Ok!" Rick shouts

Kamari opens his locker and in sudden surprise manny closes the locker, "When were you gonna tell me?" Manny asks

"About?" Kamari asks

"The kiss between you and Terri." She says

"Ohh you mean in the final act?" He asks

"NO SHIT!!!!!!!" She shouts

"Jeez why are you getting so mad?" He asks, Manny begins to stammer drawing a teasy smile from Kamari, "Chill we ta-"

"Skipper. Help needed now!" Emma shouts

"We will talk about this later!" Manny shouts

The girls run away, Kamari sighs.

"Sometimes I Can't stand..." Kamari says

" Kamari says

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

In Mr. Simpson's class, the students asked Mr. Simpson about his engagement to Emma's mother.

Manny questioned him on what it is like to find your one true love, and he responded by saying that he hoped that all his students find someone who made them happy someday.

Manny smiles at his response while looking down at a page in her notebook, which showed a doodle of a heart that on the inside reads, "Kamari Manning," as well as "Kamari" written several times outside of the heart.

She rubs the heart until emma nudges her, "I think he likes you." Emma says

"Then why won't he ask me out! Waiting is like TORTURE, I don't know what else to do." Manny says

"How about you take initiative and ask him." Emma says

"Hmmm..." Manny says

"Hey sometimes someone has the be the bigger person in more then one way." Emma says

Manny was standing by her locker applying lip-gloss when she again began to dream about Kamari.

Manny envisaged Kamari approaching her in the hallway, wearing a suit, and carrying a pink rose, which he then hands to her saying, "For you." Manny was flattered and asked if he liked her, to which he replied, "Like you? Manny, I think I love...," though the dream sequence ended before he could finish his thought.

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