Let's Talk.

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Hello everyone. (NOT discontinuing this, but this is probably one of the most important updates so please read it)

Trigger warning for abuse
I am sure most of you have learned about Wilbur by now, and if you haven't— he is a confirmed abuser, and has a confirmed history of abusing Shelby and carrying these habits into other relationships at least a little bit via making attempts to 'intimidate and manipulate' people around him (stated by Bill). Feel free to find sources on your own time and if you don't believe it, I don't care. He has admitted to these behaviors, and stated that his abuse stemmed from mental health issues and that he is taking strides to fix that part of him and be better.
However, I will be honest in saying that I believe his "apology" was half assed and while it devastates me to have to write this, I am extremely disgusted and disappointed in his behavior and how he treated Shelby. I appreciate him addressing it and admitting to it, but I appreciate nothing more than that.

I am no longer comfortable writing someone who acts and has acted as he did, in a positive and loving light. The way I write Wilbur is kind and caring and loving, and I am not going to force myself to do that while knowing that he is not. Yes, he has the capability of being those things— I'm not denying that— I'm saying that I am aware of the many times that he was not and that makes me beyond upset. I will not let an abuser continue to be included in these chapters.

I am aware that for some of us, this book is an escape and it's comforting to see these characters interacting again (ex. Tubbo and Ranboo still being close, Techno in the UK, Ranboo in the UK) but I will not allow those triggered by his actions to have to let this comfort go. To those who wish I would keep him in, I am not sorry. To those who were hurt by his actions, I wish you the best. Wilbur was a massive part of my special interest, and it's going to be difficult, but I cannot in good conscience create a fictional world where he is someone who hasn't done these things.

No, I will not be deleting any chapter with him in it.
For those of you loosely following the progression of my personal novel: yes, it used to be an SBI fanfiction. Yes, he has a character. Yes, his name will be stricken from the novel, but his personality will remain the same due to plot and how he interacts with his fellow characters and surroundings.
To any of my Ao3 readers, I will not be deleting any previous works with his character.

Thank you for listening.
Believe victims first. ALWAYS.

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