Seven. (Baby Boo).

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Trigger warning for description of blood/injury in this chapter! Nothing too massive but I wanted to warn you guys :]. (Just one paragraph and its marked).

Ranboo, Tubbo, Billzo, Crumb, and Aimsey were hanging out at a park near Tubbo's house. They were walking and talking about anything that popped into their euphoric minds. They were lightly discussing what they would have for lunch, tossing restaurant names around like a basketball through through the air.

Ranboo was diligent in assuring that he wouldn't trip, for he knew all to well that pain would trigger a slip within minutes and would be exhausting to fight against; and he would probably end up in a very young headspace.

He'd only experienced baby space a few times, and when he slipped into this headspace he would often grow panicked and afraid. He couldn't speak, walk, or hold things pretty much at all and he didnt want to shove that on Tubbo during their very first month together. Besides, Tubbo'd only been caregiver in action one time so far.

Of course, to Ranboo's luck, he began to think too hard about everything and lost focus on the world. He tripped on a rather large crack in the pavement and was sent sprawling into the hard, gritty ground.

Immediately, pain shot up through his right leg and he winced. His brain fogged over in an instant as he looked down at the wound.

Blood/injury warning for this paragraph.

He'd, apparently, landed directly on a very rough pebble; blood trickling down his fresh cut like a faucet that hadn't been turned off quite right.

Aimsey was quick to swoop in, swinging her backpack off her shoulder and pulling out a package of bandages.

Crumb led Ranboo to a nearby bench and Tubbo looked at him, worried. He knew pain was a big trigger for his age regression.

"Its okay, Ranboo! I've got dinosaur band-aids!!" Aimsey enthused, hoping to lighten the mood.

However, the childish and colorful bandages only made the fuzziness harder for Ranboo to avoid. He smiled hesitantly and took one from Aimsey, pressing it on as quick as he could.

Once Ranboo had been taken care of, they continued walking. Ranboo's demeanor had shifted into a quiet and introverted one as the fog creeped up and he tried his best to stay big.

When the five of them made it to their desired restaurant, Tubbo had pulled Ranboo aside to ask if he was okay to continue hanging out or if he needed to regress.

"Hey, Bossman. I'm gonna trust you on this one, okay? Do we need to go?" Tubbo asked sincerely.

Ranboo didnt want to ruin Tubbo's fantastic day, so he shoved all of his emotions and needs down in his pocket.

"No.. I- I think I can handle it. I'll probably regress when we get home, though. If it gets to be too much I'll tell you."

"Okay. Just dont be afraid to tell me, 'kay?"

Ranboo nodded in agreement, and they went back to their table. The five had ultimately chosen a small cafe with outdoor seating and a lunch menu, because none of them had ever had it before.

When the waiter had come to take their order, everyone was definitely not ready. Billzo, of course, lied about something random to her and she believed him. Ranboo wasnt paying much attention.

"Bill, stop lying to people!" Crumb laughed quietly.

"Its funny!" He fought back.

Everyone was giggling and chuckling; lucky that no other parties had chosen outdoor seating. Laughter and comfort fluttered around the group, engulfing them in an addicting, positive energy.

Fuzzy. // Ranboo.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon