Twenty Eight. (Everything Is Okay).

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Nearly all Spanish dialogue was run through Deepl (a translator app/website) so if there are any mistakes, pls let me know! If you really want to know what they're saying, feel free to translate it, but it's not necessary !

Anyway, small CW for mentions of a house fire, it pretty much much ends after the first time skip

Ranboo woke up abruptly in the middle of the night to his phone ringing, his dreams drifting away from him and being forgotten forever. Who the heck would be calling him at this time?

He rolled over and picked up his phone from the nightstand, only to see Bee's contact staring back at him.

Bee had an excellent sleep schedule, so Ranboo immediately knew that something was wrong.

He picked up.


"Está bien, mamá. Todo va a salir bien. ¿Logró salir Cerebro?"

Ranboo shook his head to clear his thoughts, thrown off the by the immediate use of Spanish. He heard sirens in the background and crying.

"Bee? What's going on, are you okay?" He sat up in bed with a worried expression.

"Mi casa! My- my house is on fire, I- I need help. We dont have anywhere to stay. Please, we need help!"

Ranboo shoved the blanket off his legs and stood up. He ran to his computer and pulled up flights from California to the UK as fast as he could.

"Okay, okay. I'm looking for flights right now. I'm going to PayPal you  a couple hundred dollars for a hotel or something, dont you dare repay me. I'll take care of the plane tickets and I'll make sure the guest bedroom is cleaned. Are you all okay?"

"I don't- I dont know. Physically, I guess. I'm scared."

"That's okay, that's okay. Does six AM work for the flight? It's the earliest I can find."

"Yes, yes it works I think. I just- I dont have any way to pay you back, I'm really sorry!"

"And I already told you that I dont want you to pay me back. I'll just stream a couple more times than usual and I be okay. I promise."

Their voice trailed off for a second as they spoke to their mother.

"Mamá, podemos quedarnos en casa de Ranboo. Mi amigo-- está en el Reino Unido, pero compró billetes de avión y tengo dinero para un hotel esta noche. ¿Alguien encontró a Cerebro?"

Ranboo was scared, hed admit that. He was scared for his friend and scared for her family.

"Papá, ¿te quedas? ¡Te echaré tanto de menos! Te llamaré todos los días, te lo prometo."

"Bee, I need you to take deep breaths for me. Did Brain make it out okay?"

"I dont know, Ranboo! That's what I just asked, didnt you hear me?!"

Ranboo took a deep breath of his own, trying to remember that Bee was stressed and anxious and he needed to be patient.

"I heard you, but I didnt know what you said. You were speaking in Spanish, Bee."

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out and I want it to be okay."

"I know. It's okay. Just let me know when you guys make it to the hotel, okay? I need to get some rest so I can clean up the house before you guys get here tomorrow."

Fuzzy. // Ranboo.Where stories live. Discover now