Ten. (Big mistakes... Part One).

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Very small emetophobia warning for this chapter! It is completely skippable without missing relatively any important details. :] the paragraphs are separated with an extra space inbetween them and a small hyphen on top of them.

Ranboo was trying to de-stress after a scary stream with Tubbo; leaning back in his chair and trying to ignore the 'Go live!' button displayed on his screen since he'd logged off. It had been a while since he'd regressed, so today was the perfect excuse.

He needed to regress, and Tubbo had already assumed that he would after playing the scary game.

Ranboo sighed, shuffling to his room and selecting his on-brand paci and changing into his favorite onsie before things got to hard to do with his stupid hands. He then traveled across the house and into Tubbo's streaming room to make sure he knew Ranboo was regressing.

"Tubs?" Ranboo called out.


"Gon' go little!"

Tubbo climbed down from his bed and stepped in front of the taller, nodding.

"That's okay, I knew you would. Do you need anything?"

Ranboo put his paci in the pocket of his onsie and said, "Nopies! Jus' wanna play!"

"Okay, that's fine, Boo. Do you want me to play with you?"

Ranboo's eyes lit up a little and he nodded in excitement, snatching Benson off of Tubbo's desk and handing it to him quickly.

"You be Benson and I be da King!"

Tubbo giggled and nodded, wiggling Benson around in his hand to make him look funny.

"As king, I order you, Benson, to make me dino nuggies and appy juice!... pwease?" Ranboo enthused.

"Of course, your majesty."

Ranboo giggled and followed Tubbo to the kitchen quietly. He sat down on a stool, popping his paci back into his mouth, but quickly grew very bored of waiting. His little mind came up with a much more enjoyable plan, and he scurried away to his desk.

He knew well enough to put his mask on before carrying out his plan, and he did so before sitting down in the comfy chair.

Tubbo grew very aware of the eerie silence after the microwave shut up, and turned around to see no Ranboo. He knew full well that the boy was up to no good, and hurried off to find him.

What he never would've expected was to see Ranboo, giggling and mumbling an assortment of random words, to his Twitch chat...

He stumbled over as fast as he could and grabbed the mouse out of Ranboo's hand, ending the stream (much to Ranboo's protest). He deleted the VOD immediately and shut down the PC.

"Boo! That was very naughty of you to do!" Tubbo scolded in a worried tone.

Ranboo's laughing face instantly changed and he pulled of the mask timidly; shifting uncomfortably. He didnt understand what he did wrong, but he was very easily able to know that what he did was bad by Tubbo's tone. He felt guilty for making him upset.

"Why?.." Ranboo questioned.

"Boo, big you isn't ready for this. Do you understand that? You age regressing isn't something he's comfortable having all over the internet. I know you just wanted to have fun, but this wasn't okay..."

"Sowwy.. I di'nt know.." Ranboo said, voice wavering.

"Its okay, buddy. Mistakes happen; but this one has to have consequences. We can't do big boy things, like streaming, without permission, do you understand?"

Fuzzy. // Ranboo.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat