Six. ("I Need A Pencil?").

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Ranboo and Tubbo were sitting at the table, munching quietly on lunch. Ranboo could feel that he was slipping very quickly into little space.

"'Bo." He whimpered.

"What's up, bossman?"

"I- I um... I need a pencil?..."

Tubbo's personality seemed to shift a little, and he looked up from his plate.

"Oh, alright! Do you wanna go get into some pajamas, and we can get your paci?" Tubbo asked in a soft tone.

Tubbo wasnt really sure where to start, but he was sure to try his best. When Ranboo nodded and toddled away to his bedroom, Tubbo followed him since Bee had said he might need help with some things.

Once the two of them had worked out what paci Ranboo wanted, and got him changed into PJs, Tubbo grabbed a stuffie for him and followed him into the kitchen.

Ranboo was making grabby hands at a cabinet, demanding, "Sippy."

Tubbo was quick to fish up a sippy cup from the cabinet and fill it with warm milk before handing it gently to Ranboo. Ranboo took out his paci and placed it on the counter before going ham on the sippy cup.

"Hey, slow down. Dont drink it so fast, you'll feel icky. If you need help, that's okay, Boo. Dont be afraid to tell me if you're gonna drop it. I'd rather not have milk on my floors than simply hold your cup for you."

"Mhm! Jus' yummy."

"I know that, Boo, but we dont want you to get sick."

Ranboo slowed down reluctantly with a whine, and Tubbo waited patiently for him to finish.

Ince Ranboo was done, he held the cup out to Tubbo and announced, "All done!"

"Good job, Boo. Let me clean this out and we can find something to do, okay?"


Ranbo sat on the kitchen floor and toyed with his stuffed animal, sucking on his paci quietly. Tubbo was thankful that Ranboo wasnt a whiney or difficult to discipline little, and was a clam and clingy one.

Once Tubbo was finished cleaning the cup, Ranboo clutched his hand and let Tubbo lead him into the living room.

"Okay, what do you want to do, Bud?" Tubbo asked with a soft and kind tone. This was the same tone he used to use when he spoke to his younger sister at the time when she was still a toddler.

"Uh... can we cowor?" Ranboo enthused, pushing his pacifier to the side of his mouth.

"Of course! Let's go get coloring books and your crayons; where do you have them stashed?"

Ranboo was quick to make Tubbo follow him into his room and handed him a Dragon coloring book, taking a My Little Pony one for himself. He suddenly remembered the coloring page he'd drawn for Tubbo weeks ago, and dropped his own coloring book to snatch Tubbo's.

"Hey, that was rude! Dont just snatch things out of people's hands, Boo." Tubbo scolded.

Ranboo shyly handed it back to him with a look of intense guilt, mumbling, "I'm sowwy... jus' wan' show you.."

"Show me what?"

"I cowwored for you!"

Tubbo gasped dramatically, and handed the book back to Ranboo. He thought it was absolutely adorable that Ranboo was coloring things for him. He wondered how long it must've taken, since the coloring book was an adult book and was complicated.

Ranboo flipped to a page near the middle of the book and showed it to Tubbo eagerly.

"I cowwored for you! Scary dwagon!"

Fuzzy. // Ranboo.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz