2.2. Shape Shifted

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February 27, 2011 - Sunday

The evening at the Lahey household unfolded as it usually did, in silence and focus. However, an odd, unsettling tension was palpable in the air. In the modest home with a pool lived just two people - Aaron, a man in his fifties, robustly built, who had once been the coach of the local high school swim team. After the death of his elder son, he lost his drive and settled for a job at the city cemetery. Isaac was his younger son, sixteen years old, and even taller than his father, although it was hard to tell since he was perpetually hunched over, making him seem shorter. His head bore curly hair of a dirty blonde color, and from his face, large, blue eyes with a sad expression looked out onto the world.

Both were sitting at the kitchen table, having dinner. The room was flooded with a dim, yellow light. The teenager was slowly picking at the slice of bread he held, feeling his father's scrutinizing gaze upon him. He didn't lift his head, though from beneath the fringe that fell over his eyebrows, he glanced at his father's plate, filled with delicious-looking meat. He had been given only a piece of bread, which had to last him until breakfast.

"Um... so far it's an A in French and a B-minus in Econ," the boy answered the question posed a moment ago.

"Oh. What about Chemistry?" Aaron asked after swallowing another bite. His voice was calm.

"I'm not sure... Uh, midterms are in a few days, so it could go up... "

"Well, what's it at now?" the man persisted, pausing his eating.

"The grade? Uh, I'm not sure..." Isaac stuttered, turning pale.

"But you just said it could go up," his father pointed out, placing his forearms on the table, still holding the cutlery in his hands.

"I just... uh, I meant generally..."

"You wouldn't be lying to me, would you, Isaac?" father asked, looking over his wire-rimmed glasses at his son.

"No," the boy quickly denied, swallowing hard.

"Then tell me your grade."

"I told you, I don't know," Isaac replied, lifting his gaze to see his father gripping the knife more tightly.

"You wanna take this little conversation downstairs?" Aaron asked, the corners of his mouth lifting in a gentle smile as he gestured with the knife.

Isaac shook his head vigorously in denial.

"No? Then tell me the grade, son."

"Dad, the semester's only half over..."


"There's still plenty of time..."

"Isaac," the man interrupted his son, slightly raising his voice to cut through the boy's muttering.

"...It's-it's a D."

To the teenager's surprise, his father put the cutlery down on the table, slowly and calmly. Isaac's jaw muscles twitched nervously.

"All right. It's a D. I'm not angry," Aaron declared. "You know, I'm gonna have to find a way to punish you, though. You know, I have my responsibility as a parent. So, we'll start with something simple, like, uh... Tell you what..." the man leaned back in his chair, looking around the kitchen. "You do the dishes and you clean up the kitchen, okay? "

The boy nodded uncertainly, surprised that his father had let off so easily, yet still tense.

"Excellent," the older man took a sip of coffee from his mug and looked at his son. "Because I'd really like to see this place spotless," even before he could finish his sentence, he relaxed the fingers that had been clenched around the ceramic mug until then. The vessel fell to the floor, covered with aging linoleum, shattering into fine pieces. Isaac flinched, startled, but did not move from his spot. "Know what I'm saying?" the father smiled, seeing his son's gaze fixed on the fragments of porcelain. "I mean, this entire kitchen..." this time, with a single movement of his arm, he knocked his own plate and cutlery to the floor, where they collided with the kitchen cabinets. The boy jumped back from the table and crouched against the wall, eliciting laughter from his father, who grabbed a glass pitcher. "Absolutely... spotless!" The vessel smashed just above the teenager's head, emphasizing Aaron's words. He watched with a smile as his son cowered and trembled with fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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