Entrance To The Great Above

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Second and the others ended up waiting another couple of hours once most of them regrouped, since Green and Yellow's groups still hadn't arrived by the time the vast majority had returned to the Nether.

Most of them were bored out of their minds, sitting in small groups and talking about what they'd do once everything had died back down to normal, but Second wandered around the castle throne room, pacing around the groups like a madman.

"You don't see us pacing like psychopaths in a mental asylum." Sapphire commented.

"Are your best friends missing?" Second snapped.

"Yes. But my point still stands."

"Shut up."

"I'm sure they'll get here soon," King reassured. "It might be a little harder to get the Ravager on our side, and Green didn't exactly bring reinforcements besides Purple last time."

"We're here!" Green chimed, walking into the thrown room with the others.

"Who the fuck are, like, half of those guys?" Copper asked, staring at the other three sticks.

Scarlet hesitated, half expecting the reaction she would get. "Mocha's friends."

Sapphire, Gold, and Copper jumped up, staring at the three behind Scarlet with anger.

"Hey, hey! Chill out, you guys!" Green shouted.

"Why should we?! Those assholes bullied Purple!" Gold shouted.

"They almost killed Sunny when we were kids!" Sapphire added.

"Not to mention Green almost ripped Mocha's nose off with a roller skate." Copper finished.

"To be fair, the fucker deserved it." Green justified.

"Yeah, and then we're all being questioned because you assaulted someone." Second deadpanned.

"It would've been justifiable."

"Moving forward!" Scarlet shouted. "They want to help us rescue Purple."

Various protests from the group.


"Absolutely not!"

"Why in hell would they want to help the person they made fun of for no apparent reason?!"

"They're gonna backstab us. I'm calling it."

"Hey, HEY!" Scarlet screamed, silencing the uproar. "They're not gonna backstab us, and they're very aware they fucked up when it comes to Purple. Just let them help, and they'll prove that they're sorry. Okay?"

Copper gave the trio behind his friend one last stare before sighing aggressively. "Fine. They can help. But one slip-up that favors the enemies, and they're dead."


Another couple of hours went by, and Blue and Yellow still hadn't arrived.

"Where the fuck are they?! It's been almost four hours since most of us regrouped, and the ravager is not that stubborn!"

"We're working with the guy who murdered his family in front of him," Second said. "There's a number of reasons why they've gone MIA."

"Fair point."

"Uhm, Sec? Portal." Red pointed behind him.

"What? Portal? Where?"

Something made a loud explosion sound behind him, and everyone jumped.

"Jesus Christ!"

"The hell?!" Gold shouted.

A green stick figure stood in front on the other side.

The Great Above: Father & Son 7Where stories live. Discover now