Past Adventures

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Chosen anxiously paced around the room, having done so for the past few hours, waiting for Second and the others to return from Navy's base.

They should've been back hours ago, according to him.

"Cho, relax," Dark reassured, helping King with his newly developed plan. "I've made this trip before...twice, and you've done the same once. It's a long boat ride there and back, a couple days max."

"But still!" Chosen snapped. "They've been gone for almost three days! King would be as worried as I am if Purple was on that boat!"

"Given Purple is a competent child who could murder you with an energy ball in seconds, I doubt he's as worried as you." Dark said.

"The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that my kid is in another realm, and we can't track him as easy as we've been able to in past situations like this." King grumbled, placing another marker on his hand-drawn map.

"What if they're in that other realm, then?!" Chosen snapped.

"Chosen, if your going to freak out about almost everything that goes wrong when we go on adventures, then you need to look at Dark and how he handles these kinds of events." Second deadpanned, walking into the room with the others.

"Great! We're all here," King sighed. "From past events, we've been able to theorize that Navy has some type of army on his side that we haven't been able to stop."

"So...what does that mean?" Yellow asked.

"Simple," King stared, pointing to the markers he'd placed earlier. "We'll all head to separate locations we've been to before and know well, from past adventures, rally up whoever we can from those areas, and use them as our army, as well as whoever we can rally on our side from that other world." King explained.

"For all we know, The Great Above already has some type of rebellion army against Navy, so we've already got a huge gathering of supporters, most likely," Blue explained. "Given, Willow and Sunny are also in there with Purple, so they could've made that army and could use it to help us keep them at bay while Purple takes them down from the inside."

"If Purple is that smart, it could work," Gold added. "He might not even realize he's aiding a rebellion until Willow and the others get inside to rescue him."

"Which is were we come in," King continued. "While Purple and the others are creating a rebellion army in another dimension, we are going to make our army, merge them, and take down Navy's army once and for all."

"And how do we do that?" Red asked.

"Second, Dark, and Chosen will get the Warden, Blue and Yellow will get the Titan Ravanger, Red and Copper will go back to Monster School and get students there to help, and Green and Scarlet will head bakc to the Note Block Universe to find help there.

"What about us?" Sapphire inquired.

Me, you, and Gold will head back to the Nether and get the Piglin Brute army on our side."

Seconds eyes widened.

"The piglin army?!" He shouted.

"But-but don't they hate you?!" Green added.

"They might, but with a little bit of convincing from their old King and the fact that their beloved prince is in danger, I think they might help."

The others stared at each other for a moment. King wouldn't be able to have them on his side himself, but Purple was their Prince of Minecraft! If he was factored in, of course they'd help!

...If King's plan worked in their favor.

"And your sure this is going to work?" Green asked.

"If it doesn't, then we've got nothing else to go off. But whoever you met on the other side of those portals know you and will hopefully help you, so we do have a chance."

"Well, we will now." Yellow said, tossing King the staff and moving towards the windows widget.

"Yellow, what are you doing?" Blue asked.

"Simple," Yellow grabbed the Minecraft block. "I'm giving us all ten times more of an advantage."

A gleam in the dark room. Navy had only discovered this room earlier that day, whilst helping Night Shade even out the resources for his basement, and had discovered a small bedroom Night Shade would use following the projects completion.

Whatever is was. All they knew was it would help aid them in conquering both dimensions.

Navy stared at the gleam for another moment, wondering what it was, Orchid by his side.

A memory flashed between them.

"You know what, Orchid? Maybe you were right." Purple said, still refusing to stop the staff's power.

"Oh, was I?"

"Yeah. Maybe I am worthless, and weak, and nothing but a good for nothing useless brat who does nothing but bring shame to this entire family! Maybe I am a disappointment, and it was all my fault that Navy abandoned us!"

"Oh, so you finally admit defeat, huh?" She smirked.

"In your dreams!" Purple said, the course of where he was going changed drastically. "I've been told the complete opposite of those phrases ever since this entire thing started, and you know what? I actually believe the opposite of what you and your disappointment of a family think of me!"

Orchid tried to gain the upper hand, but it was no use.

Purple had a major advantage.

Purple's eyes shone a dark violet as Orchid realized how far she was from victory.

And how close Purple was to it.

"NOW EAT THIS, SUCKER!" Purple screamed, launching an enormous energy blast at Orchid, engulfing the area in a large, bright light.

"That's it?" Navy asked.

"Indeed it is," Orchid replied. "Prince's Rose's downfall."

Navy smirked. "Whatever plan we know you have isn't coming to fruition, Purple Rose."

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