Discoveries and Revalations

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Jumping down from the platform, Willow slid onto the castle balcony. Navy's stupid plot put her in the Great Above, and from how badly it had gone around, her location was within the vicinity of the castle Navy and Orchid had turned into their new home.

And with her knowledge, they had taken Purple with. Giving Purple the title of prince with how things were going.

She looked through the window, trying to see where the hell she was. She'd been searching for Purple so she could rescue him and get him to the refugee she had heard about, being led by her best friend, Sunny.

Her traitor brother, Fern, was nowhere to be found.

Not that she cared. If anything, the only place he'd end up was six feet under if he wasn't already.

Willow sighed, the reminder that she had a brother that could potentially be in this dimension with her, and that was something she worried about.

The memory of his betrayal reveal still burned fresh in her mind.

Red smiled. King's overprotective phase was growing out of him, for now.

It probably wouldn't take long for it to grow back into him.

A buzzing sound suddenly filled their ears.

"What the..."

"You know your fatal flaw, King Orange?" Fern said over the buzzing, and everyone glanced in his direction.

Fern was standing tall, arms outstretched, a barrage of drones behind him, and an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Your assumptions are almost always correct."

King and the others watched in horror and betrayal.

"Fern, you..." Willow struggled to find the right words. Her own brother.

"YOU TRAITOR!" King screamed, lunging for the man.

"Oh, King," Fern sent a drone for him, which promptly tossed him into a far wall, knocking him out. "Traitor is such a strong word."

She growled under her breath. "Stupid Fern! Why did you have to be a stupid fucking guard for a stupid fucking bastard?!"

She kicked the window, shattering it.


A shadow jumped, and within seconds, an energy ball was shot at her.

Willow, not thinking of a better option, swung into the room, tackling her attacker to the ground.

"Hey! The hell was that for, psycho?!"

Willow froze for a moment. Why did that voice sound so...familiar?

"Purple?" She asked, puzzled by the familiarity.

It had to be. Nobody shot energy balls like he could.

The figure backed up a little, the moonlight shining through the shattered window illuminating the figure.


Second climbed through, nearly falling onto the glass shards still scattered about before he caught himself.

"Jesus, this place feels abandoned," He muttered to himself before turning to the window and pulling Green in after him. "Come on, quickly! We've gotta get everyone in here before someone sees us!"

"Why would someone see us?" Green asked, having hardly been in here and even less barely understanding the layout and heavily guarded setup of the building they were currently in.

The Great Above: Father & Son 7Where stories live. Discover now