Blind Alliances

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"So your telling me that you easily tamed a Warden, which is blind and can brutally murder you, with music?!" Dark shouted.

"Yes. Have you done better?" Second said sarcastically.

"Uh, well, I almost dominated the Internet, pretty much saved your guy's lives, and survived 7 weeks of captivity to protect Purple from psychopaths?"

"In the process giving Chosen a heart attack, worrying all of us, and nearly killing us. Also, Purple can protect himself. King's beginning to see that, thank Alan, and he knows what he's doing! So, rephrase that." Second said with a smirk.

"Sir, I could've dominated the whole Internet if you hadn't beaten my ass!" Dark shouted as they traversed the dangerous trip downwards into the cave.

"Was the entrance to this cage always this dangerous?" Chosen asked as Second reached the bottom.

"Don't know, because I was roughly thrown down it last time." Second deadpanned, dropping down to the bottom with a much softer landing than he remembered.

Something made a small noise, and Second quickly found the Sculk Sensor, the source of the sound.

He'd forgotten about that.

"Oh yeah. That's here." He muttered to himself.

Something landed roughly behind him, followed by Chosen's shout of pain as Dark fell through the cave on fell onto him.

"Dark, could you NOT fall on me?!" Chosen shouted a little too loudly, in which Second shushed them both.

"Quiet, you two! The Warden may be blind, but it's hearing is better than all of our combined, and we have powers that heighten our senses. This thing is going to kill us if it sees us, so shut up!"

Dark and Chosen shut up instantly.

"Let's get this over so we can go home. I don't like being in here as much as you guys do, but we don't have much of a choice."

"How can that thing sense us?" Dark whispered.

Second pointed to the sensor mere feet away from them. "Simple. That thing? It senses movement from literally anything. Walking, blocks being placed or broken, you name it. That thing will sense it and alert something." He explained.

Dark blinked. "As much as I'm supposed to understand what is being explained to me, I don't. The hell do you mean 'alert something'?" He snapped.

A low growl startled them.

"That's what he means, you idiot." Chosen grumbled.

Second got into a fighting stance, glancing at the other two before staring back into the black abyss, where he was sure the Warden was hiding.

The Sculk Sensor made another sound, and Dark groaned.

"That's it! If this thing makes another sound, I'm gonna smash it!"

Chosen grabbed Dark's arms to prevent it, and the two struggled for a moment before Dark tossed the other stick off of him.

"Guys, stop it! Your going to alert the Warden!"

The sensor shrieked again, and Dark moved past Chosen to attack it.

"Dark, wait!" Second shouted.

Chosen tackled Dark again, which did nothing in the prevention, since they both crashed into the sensor.

A shriek alerted the trio, and Second froze.

"Way to go, you two." He deadpanned.

"Your welcome!" Dark said cheerfully.

Second glared at him.

"It was a joke." The red stick deadpanned.

"And that was sarcasm," Second said with equal sarcasm. "Now run!"

"What?! No!" Chosen shouted. "That thing will kill you!"

"Relax. I've got this." Second said to himself, grabbing a book from his inventory.

He wasn't entirely sure if the book would be useful in the future, but the lullaby inside was incredibly useful.

Maybe he could teach King the song one day.

Another shriek. Dark and Chosen were quick to begin their retreat, but stopped when Second didn't follow.

"Sec, come on! Hurry! We need you to run! That thing's gonna kill you!"

"Shut up, I got this!" Second shouted back, returning to his fighting stance.

As long as he remembered the lyrics.

The Warden jumped for him, and Dark and Chosen braced for the inevitable.

Everything fell silent, except for Second's singing.

Dark and Chosen relaxed, knowing the kid was still alive, but what had stopped the Warden's rampage?

"The...what the fuck?" Dark asked, staring at the Warden.

The Warden was standing over Second, frozen solid and staring down at Second.

Second had fallen to the ground as the mob had jumped at him, but the lullaby he'd used from the book he'd discovered in the ancient city had caused the monster to freeze up entirely.

The hollow-head wasn't entirely sure if the beast would listen to him, but using the instrumental from his past encounter, and a little bit of creativity, he'd been able to convey the message.

"Our friend's in danger, we need help.

There's not much we can do as a whole, and we need help from you.

Your friends from Monster School are helping too, and our friend needs you.

We can't risk to lose him, so please, please help us."

Chosen stared at the kid he'd been teaching. He knew what he was doing the entire time.

The Warden tilted it's head, not recognizing the lyrics Second had used, but recognizing the instrumental within a second.

"Did it...did it understand you?" Dark asked.

"It may be blind, but it's hearing surprises even Herobrine." Second said, still staring at the mob.

The beast picked Second off, roaring in agreement once the singing had settled into it's brain.

"Please tell me it said yes." Dark said.

"I think it did." Second said.

"HELL YEAH!" Dark exclaimed, hugging Chosen's shoulder with excitement.

Chosen stiffened, but enjoyed the affection nonetheless. "Nice work, kid. I'm sure Purple would be proud of your creativity."

Second smiled. "Learned from the best, Chosen One."

Chosen returned it.

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