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We got to Spain this morning.

After a couple of dreamy weeks in my home country, i changed scenery. It was a nice change, this country was wonderful, and their food was good. The only problem is i'm not that fluent in Spanish. Carlos taught me a few words on the way here, but they are only insults. What else could i expect from him? Anyway, i'm sure i would make use of them at least once this weekend.

Another fun fact about this country. Franco lived here.

Oscar and Charles hadn't forgotten about what we agreed on in my dad's backyard. They made a group chat to organize our next move. However, none of them seemed to resonate with me. Some of the ideas felt overly extreme, pushing the boundaries too far for my comfort. On the other hand, some suggestions seemed too mild, lacking the impact I was seeking. I wanted to find something that would streak a nerve, and live at least half of what i did. There was a consistent tug of war within me. Half of the time, I felt like a compassionate grandmother, unwilling to inflict such immense suffering on another human being and risk potentially ruining his career. Yet, the other half of the time, a more vindictive side of me surfaced, a side that wanted nothing more than to obliterate everything he had worked for. Finding a balance between those two feelings was almost impossible, it was a delicate tightrope walk between empathy and a desire for vengeance.

— Okay what if we spray his car with .— Charles says, lying down on the floor.

— No.— i cut him off and roll my eyes.

— And what if hear me out, Arthur gets some of his friends from F3 to take him out of this race?

I sit up, leaning on my elbows to look at him.— No, nothing that can truly risk his life. I'm trying to ruin his reputation, not to end his life.

— True.— he rolls his eyes and sighs.— But where's the fun in that?

I throw a pillow at him and he laughs. I know he was joking, but still, he deserved that pillow.

In the room, there were also Oscar, Mick, and Alexandra. We let them in on this, Mick because he overheard Charles, and so did Alex. Charles doesn't know how to be discrete. I was surprised to see how on board the two of them were with this, it was also heartwarming.

— Have you guys checked social media lately? — asks Mick and hands me his phone.— This dude, for some reason, is getting a lot of recognition. He's a candidate for a seat next year in F2, and there are a ton of companies offering him sponsors to get him the money he needs.

I scrolled through Twitter, reading a ton of messages supporting him. I gulp, it was a bittersweet feeling.

Charles sits up and claps.— Then this is the perfect moment to do it, we need to expose him now that he has all the eyes on him, and we also prevent him from getting sponsors. The ones he wanted that bad.

I mean he was right, this was the perfect moment.

— It is the perfect moment, but you forgot we still haven't figured out what we are gonna do.— i say, lying back down in bed.

— I think you should just tell everyone he was the one to start those rumors about you.— says Mick and shrugs his shoulders.

— That's not enough.— Oscar shakes his head.— aside from saying that, we should also uncover a dark little secret of his. And for that, we need to investigate.

— Can i make a suggestion? — asks Alex, with a shy smile. I nod and sit to listen to her.— First, i don't think you should be the one to say all this, you have to think about PR, i don't think your team wants you to be directly involved with drama. Instead of having you as the identifiable face of this rumor, perhaps it would be more strategic to maintain a level of anonymity. The key is to ensure that the information reaches the right ears, those that will amplify it and make it a significant talking point. Find someone who speaks a lot, and likes gossip.

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