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First time being in Spain outside of the race weekend.

I was here to talk with Franco. This time it was my turn to fly out, and i was okay with that, a change of scenery was always nice. I was staying in a nice hotel, which was close to Carlos' house, we had breakfast together this morning and we even went for a run. He asked me about the details of everything that was happening, and I told him, it was so funny how all of them lived for gossip, not only Pierre. He was on Charles' side, but thankfully he didn't want to fight him. He gave me good advice.


— Mira cariño, he's not worth it. He owed you respect and loyalty, even if you two aren't officially dating, you two agreed to be exclusive and it's basically the same thing.— he shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of his coffee.— And this is besides what's happening with Oscar. Don't let him guilt trip you, not because you did something similar means he has the right to do whatever he wants. This is not some kind of game for him to try and get even, this is a relationship, where feelings are involved, and most importantly, people.

— I know, I have that mindset but i'm scared I will chicken out the moment I see him.— I admit, with a bit of embarrassment.— I'm such a people pleaser I always put everyone's feelings before mine, and that leads to me doing things i don't really want to do just to make someone else happy.

— If you find yourself in a position where you are about to give in, keep reminding yourself you're doing this for you, and it isn't a crime to put your feelings, your mind, and your emotions first. If people care about you, they can get mad because of this, instead, they are supposed to be the ones to encourage you to do so.

end of flashback...

I kept repeating his words in my mind as i knocked on Franco's door. I took a deep breath, checking the time on my phone. It was 3 pm.

Hola hermosa .— he says with a smile.— I've missed you.

Not even a hint of guilt in his eyes.

— Hi.— I say back.

He stepped closer to hug me, but i took a step back. He noticed, of course, that he looked confused as he let me in. I didn't even look around, even when this was the first time I was at his house. Franco guided me to the living room and we sat down, facing each other. I unlocked my phone and opened my gallery to show him the picture.

— ¿Is something wrong? — he says, attempting to grab my hands but instead I give him my phone.

— I don't know, you tell me.

Franco looks at my screen and his face turns white. I crossed my arms, just staring at him and then back at my phone. He was sitting still, his jaw was tense. I waited for him to say something, I felt more relaxed than I thought. We stayed there for at least 10 minutes, my phone wasn't even on anymore, but he was still staring at the black screen.

— ¿How did you get this? ¿Who sent it to you?

— It's not important, Franco. — I roll my eyes.— What's important it's the picture, who's in it and what are you two doing. Care to explain?

— Lowie, I don't know what to say .— he says, turning to see me and giving me my phone back.— I'm so sorry, that girl is Grace, a friend of mine. And that night i got drunk and since you didn't go i...

I remembered that name from somewhere... Wait, i saw that name on his phone, next to a heart.

— Wait, this is my fault now because i didn't go to the party?

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