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I was still in disbelief.

As I looked at him, an unexpected fear gripped me. The fear was irrational, yet it was potent - the fear that if I were to look away, even for just a moment, he would somehow vanish into thin air, disappearing from my life as swiftly as he had reappeared. I held his hand tightly as if my grip alone could tether him to this moment and keep him grounded in our shared existence.

We were still in the backyard, enjoying each other's company, making small talk that belied the profound significance of this moment. As we continued our conversation, I made small comments about the various flowers my dad had painstakingly cultivated in this garden. Each flower, each plant. And he, in turn, would respond with stories from his own life, filling me in on all the moments that we had missed in each other's lives during our time apart

— Oh that reminds me, i need to find a hotel.— i hear him whisper in my ear.

I frown and shook my head, taking a step back to look at him.— No you don't, you're staying with me.

— I would love to, but i don't want your dad to think badly of me.

— Trust me, there's nothing you could do to make him hate you. He thinks highly of you.

Oscar lifts an eyebrow and a cocky smile appears on his face.— So you have talked to him about me? — Oh fuck, my cheeks turn red in a matter of seconds.— Can i know what you have told him?

— Nope, you can't.—i laugh and try to back up, but he tightens his grip and keeps me in place.— ¿Do you want me to show you around?

— Don't change the subject love.— he whispers and my whole body gets shivers.

Without answering anything back, i gently grab his face and kiss him. I notice him laughing and then kisses me back. All i wanted to do now was take him back to my place and cuddle all day long, do something as simple as watch a movie together, or cook something together. I wanted to do homelike things, wake up, and make a coffee for me and a tea for him, while he makes breakfast. With a few kisses and hugs in the middle. Waking up with him by my side would be enough to make me go through the whole day with a smile.

— Sorry to interrupt lovebirds.— we hear a voice, making us break the kiss and look towards the door.— Your dad told me you were here.

I smile at Ivy.— Don't worry Ivy. ¿have you two officially met?

She shakes her head and smiles at Oscar.— I mean i know who you are, i'm Ivy.

— Oscar, a pleasure to finally meet the famous Ivy.

Ivy laughs and they shake hands.— The pleasure is all mine, Piastri, glad to finally meet face to face. Well, i came here to say goodbye, i have a meeting to attend and a suitcase to make.

— Uhh fancy.— i walk away from Oscar to hug Ivy.— See you later baby, take care. We need to meet before you leave again.

We break the hug and she points at Oscar.— See that? call me Miss Steal your girl, homeboy.

Oscar laughs and puts an arm around my shoulders as Ivy walks away. I roll my eyes with a smile and grab his hand, looking back at him.

— Let's go, i want to give you a tour around.— we walk inside the house.— Oh and i'm sure my siblings will be excited when they see you here, if i were you i would prepare for that, they can be a lot.

— Don't worry about me, i'm more than happy to play with them.— he kisses the side of my head.

It was a long day for us. My siblings wouldn't let Oscar alone for a second, but he never complained. Instead, he listened and answered their questions, and played with them without ever stopping smiling. I joined in now and then, as i enjoyed watching them run around, my dad joined me eventually, and we took a tea while they played. I could see how much my dad liked Oscar, and that made my heart feel even fuller. It was already bedtime for them, so Oscar took Lily to her bed, as she wouldn't let go of him, and i took Matteo. I laid him down in his bed and put the covers on top of him. He was already sleepy, and could barely open his eyes.

— Sleep well mon bébé.—i whisper, softly stroking his hair.

— Lowie.— he says and puts his hand on mine.— I'm happy Oscar is here, because he makes you happy, and i love it when you're happy.

A smile grew on my face and i kissed his forehead.— Thank you bébé, je t'aime.

Je t'aime aussi.

I quietly get up and leave his room, Oscar was waiting for me in the corridor.

— ¿Let's go home? — i ask, resting my head on his chest and having his arms wrapped around me.

— Sure thing, but ¿can we make a quick stop at Charles' apartment? I left my suitcase there.

I frowned and looked at him.— I was gonna ask you about your suitcase, but may i ask why is it at Charles' place?

— Well, he was the one to help me come here.— he admits and looks down at me.— He even took the time to give me a ted talk to help me with the nerves.

I laugh and break the hug, grabbing his hand instead, and intertwining our fingers. We walked downstairs and we saw our dad sitting in the living room, with a glass of wine in one hand, and the TV remote in the other.

— Dad we are leaving.— i say, walking up to him. He stands up and hugs me.— I'll let you know if we will come tomorrow.

— Okay pumpkin, have fun but not so much.— he kisses my forehead and moves on to Oscar.— A pleasure, Piastri. Take care of her for me.

— I always will, sir.— Oscar answers with a smile and they do a "manly handshake".

I blew a kiss to my dad as we walked through the door. Once we were outside, my first reaction was to let go of Oscar's hand when i saw people walking on the street, it was a true reality check. I felt his eyes on me, but i didn't look back, and we walked to my car in silence. I was in the driver's seat, as i knew better how to move on these streets.

— Sorry about that, but Monaco is a small place, and pictures spread quickly.— i say, putting on my seat belt and looking at him.

He had an understanding smile on his face and he put one of his hands on my leg.— It's okay, Lowie. We will take things as slow as you need me to.

I smile at his words and we take off. First stop, Charles' apartment, that wasn't that far away from mine. I made Oscar go and collect things on his own, i know if i went up with him we wouldn't leave any time soon, as Charles would be capable of locking us inside until we tell him every detail. When Oscar came back, he put his suitcase in the back and looked at me, defeated.

— Your siblings didn't make me tired, but the amount of questions Charles threw at me the second i walked inside was enough to take all of the energy i had left.— he sighed and passed a hair through his hair.— The only way i was able to leave was to promise him we would come around and have dinner with him tomorrow.

I burst out laughing and we drove to my place. With the door of my apartment closed behind us, i let myself fall into my couch. Oscar was quick to follow, laying down next to me and putting his arms around me, pulling me closer. He hid his face on my neck, i got chills every time his warm breath hit my skin.

— ¿Do you want to take a shower? My eyes are burning, i want to go straight to bed.— i whisper and play with the strings of his hair.

— Only if you shower with me.— he whispers back and lifts his head to look at me, with a grin.

— I wouldn't let you shower if it wasn't with me, duh.

Oscar laughs and gets up in no time, he doesn't let me react and straight up puts an arm under my legs and the other one in my back, picking me up bridal style, and rushes to the bathroom.

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