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It was time to race in Monaco.

And I was a wreck of nerves. Free practice was alright, without much trouble, and so was Qualifying yesterday, it was a warm and beautiful day. I was p11 for the race, i was left out of q3 by milliseconds, but i wasn't that mad or disappointed, all because Charles was p3, and i was extremely happy for him. Even when i'm a racer myself, i can't help but fully support Charles and get happy with his accomplishments, i grew up watching him and being his biggest fan, the years wouldn't wash that away.

My family was here to watch me, which added a bit more pressure. My dad and siblings were the first things i saw each time i got off the car. I melted each time i saw Lily and Matteo with their headphones, they were a bit too big for their little heads. It was also an insane amount of serotonin i felt when i saw their proud smiles.

— Are you standing in front for the anthem with Charles? — asks my dad, grabbing Lily's hand to stop her from grabbing my helmet.

They were with me in my room, enjoying the last minutes of peace before the race began.

— Yeah, they just told me this morning.— i sigh and finish my Dutch braids.

I heard a knock on my door and i rushed to open it, it was one of the engineers, telling us we needed to get going in minutes. I thanked him and turned around to look at my family, i won't be able to speak to them again until is all over. Lily is the first one to hug me, i pick her up and she crushes me in between her arms. For being so little, she was strong.

Bonne chance, Lowie! — she says with a smile and kisses my cheek before i leave her back on the ground.

I do the same thing with Matteo, picking him up to have him at eye level.— Have fun Lowie, i love you.

He also kisses my cheeks and i kiss his. Matteo grabs Lily's hand when he's next to her, you couldn't take your eyes off of her, even for a second, or she would make a run for it. I look at my Dad and i rush into his arms, he laughs and kisses the top of my head.

— I'm already so beyond proud of you, pumpkin, and i hope you know that. No matter what result you get, my chest will always swell with pride.

I take a deep breath and nod, unable to say a word.

The three of them leave, i take a second to stay calm and i follow behind. They go to the garage, and i go to the circuit. Most of the drivers were already there, i said hello to everyone that crossed my path and i made my way to Charles, who was talking with Mick, Lando, and Carlos.

— There you are! — says my dear friend with a smile and puts an arm around my shoulders.— Are you ready to stand in front?

— Not really.— i shrug my shoulders with a nervous smile.— I guess it makes it easier to have you with me, if i were to do this alone, i would have peed my pants.

We all laugh and i relax, laughing always helps with nerves. We chat for a bit longer until is show time. Charles and i are guided to where we are supposed to stand. I straighten my back and look around, waving at the people screaming at us. An honest smile appears when i see the signs with my name or face on them.

— See? It isn't that bad.— Charles says.

I was about to answer when the anthem started. I put my arms behind my back, and keep my head high. I felt pride each time i heard this melody. I couldn't wait to hear this anthem play while standing on the top of the podium. We clapped when it finished and i turned around to shake the hand of everyone standing behind us, Charles did the same thing, and we shared a quick hug before heading to each of our cars.

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