It was the conscious urge to run, flight rising over fight. what for, she couldn't tell. though it was as if the other was waiting for the temporary amnesia to stop fogging he brain, he leaned back towards her expectantly, hands ready to jump out at any sign of fleeing; but her hesitancy to remember caused them to lower slightly, almost in disappointment.

  "man, you'd think for someone who was conked out for four days that they'd be a bit more aware," he spoke in an annoyed huff, yet she could care less. more so focused on such a nonchalant statement he had made, four days!? It was just christmas eve yesterday, possibly nearing christmas itself from what she had last remembered. he seemed to have noticed the wide eyed stare she now had, now void of any fatigue. the annoyance disappeared as a small smirk spread across his lips, the bandage stretching along with it,
"Well, not really asleep —"

  "toby." warned a gruff voice from the front seats, it sounded just as tired as she had felt. the call of the others name caused a frown to tug at the corners of her lips, every toby she had ever met - which really wasn't much - were kind, funny. this guy had done nothing but torment her and gabriel. gabriel. the sudden taste of disdain formed in her mouth at the mere thought of him, angry for a reason she couldn't quite displace. peering just enough over the row before her, she was able to catch the backside of the new speaker. dark hair in need of just a trim, a tan jacket clad over his shoulders. she couldn't catch much, but it was enough to let the edge seep back again. gaze traveling, the front seat was empty, the car still running.

  the windshield revealed the dark setting even more, their brights shining across playground equipment. with narrowed eyes, she was able to recognize where they were. rosswood, the old home away from home. only was the home haunted with petrifying memories. all rushed through her with a shiver and a kick of her legs, the aforementioned flight sense kicking in again. she knew why she had ran now, and it was for a damn good reason. yellow caution tape should have done better to warn her, that it was far too late to do anything. the mourning process barely started and there had been so much to grief. alex, gone for days at this point, the murderers crowded around her a confining manner. the desperate search ending in a push and shove mindset from another friend, betrayal, a feeling too strong.

  there was no way that she would have survived that hit. her body had been sprawled across the asphalt with a cracked sternum and skull, tires had run across her three times over. she died, she knew she died. the cold reminder barely vacant. had she just been scooped up off the ground by the assumed three? there wasn't any chance that they were doctors, nor that they had any medical experience to begin with. the two present with her seemed to watch her little freak out, at least until toby reached forward and pushed her further against the seat, his hands planted firmly on her shoulders. It was despising how grounding it was.

  "chill" was all he said with a sharp turn of his head, he let out a huff of air, ailmost as if he had soaked up some of the panic his pointer fnger fartched against her shoulter before he pulled away, now sinking into the row of seats before.

  "losing it like that won't help any, trust me." the front seat guy spoke. bold request, she'd think as she turned her attention to the front. he had turned now, now faced towards the back rows. the first noticeable trait were the sideburns trailing down his face, the second being the noticeable eyebags - even in the dark. exhausted brown eyes trailed sluggishly towards her. poor guy looked like he was always just getting off of the worst shift one could think of. still, she'd cringe and turn her head away from him.

  a sigh was all that could be heard now. she didn't want to be there, stuffed into someone's far backseat, body all busted - but somehow still cooperative. she didn't even want to be back at rosswood. too much misery, too much plaguing thoughts. ones that reminded her of the guilt of being alive, was gabriel? did he somehow achieve his grand escape? the one schemed through her life? scattered thoughts matched scattered nerves as she focused on her body instead.

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