ii. what a catch.

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  credits rolled as pizza decreased, having been devoured as each scene passed. still, it wasn't as if they had all actually paid attention to the film, it was more so a tradition to just let it play in the background as their various conversations overruled it. it had been played a thousand times, and it would be played a thousand times more with each year — as dramatized by gabriel, who scoffed at the actors in the cast. it earned a raised eyebrow from dot, almost challenging his attitude with her affinity for the movie. the blonde caught onto her look, shrugging his shoulders,
  "i just don't see how you don't get tired of it, it can't possibly still have its spark?"
  "you just don't get it then, gabby." she sighed in return, to which he opened his mouth to yap on, getting too caught up in the theatrics.
  "one, gabby is a no go, also, what don't i get — it's literally just some skeleton having a midlife crisis."

  they bickered for a few moments, all in a lighthearted manner, at least until a content sigh came from the third of the group.
  "god, i forget how good pepper's is." the last words spoken before the last slice was stolen, leaving both gabriel and dottie to sit in their childish brood. alex only grinned after each bite, showing their hands after in mock defense. a sharp glare from gabriel was enough to let dot move on to another topic, not relishing in the brewing spark — knowing it wasn't a preferred piece of nostalgia as the one the movie carried.

   "i can't believe pepper's even still getting business, especially with the shrimp shack bein' right next to it," she laughed lightly, tugging at the sleeves of her cardigan, "remember when you worked at the shack , alex ?" another groan surfaced from the buff, causing them to wallow back against the couch cushion.
   "don't remind me, the highlight of working there was when those teens pelted me with eggs through the drive thru — and that's saying something, dot." the statement earned a snicker from gabriel, where he raised his hand to cover his own grin. "it's not funny, i'm still haunted by the smell!" that was enough to leave the other to join gabriel in his giggling, two against one left the buff to stand up.

  "i need to walk off that pizza, god the grease was insane." they grumbled as they laced their shoes, leaving the other two to stop and gaze. it wouldn't be long before dot bounced up in suit, grabbing her jacket from the coat rack to stand next to alex. gabriel would take it as a hint to stumble over his own feet, trying to get a move on. it wouldn't be a mystery as to where they'd be going, another stepping stone in their path to remembrance. keys jingled from alex's hand as they walked towards the door, a little acknowledgment that they'd be driving, despite them supposedly going to walk their dinner off — it was always just an excuse. their feast left them feeling crammed in the tediously bland home; a sight was needed to be seen, fresh air, anything other than a wall of white.

  street lamps kept her entertained, idly passing the yellow hues across her face with each road driven. multiple houses layered in blinking lights would leave her to point in slight awe, they'd judge them all — as if they had sort of credentials to do so, they were just as broke, her pretended to be the gordon ramsay of christmas. it would make her laugh under her breath before the silence returned. for once, comfort held her in her seat. hands in her pocket, head pressed against the cushioned rest behind it. the remaining ride was spent that way until they turned into the parking lot of the park.

of course the street lamps were also on, it was around 12, no where near a day trip. the lack of sun made the grass dull, trees were shed of their leaves, the equipment probably froze over. it was almost — melancholy. there was no choir of children rampaging around, no joyful barks of the dogs that chased squirrels from their owners; just quiet,  somber creaks as the swings beckoned for them. they ran to their call, the car doors slamming with the excitement needed to bring the place back to life. three adults rushing to occupy a seat. dottie found herself on the first one, a cold surface sending a shiver up her spine, she didn't move. instead her fingers traipsed around the chains, pulling herself back and forth ever so lightly.
  "want a push?" a voice spoke from above her, causing her to look up to find the smiling blonde holding onto the chains for her. she returned the gesture, nodding her head slightly to give him the go ahead. hands settled at her shoulder blades, gently pushing her forward. each push leading to the buildup of being halfway in the air. self made wind flushed across her face, allowing her pale tint to redden. the night above her barely glistened, but she still focused in on it, absentmindedly counting the stars with a smile on her face. the park was always a second home, in their 'youth' it was always the place. it had started out with a silly class trip to it, to dot learning it wasn't too far from her home, to an escape from said home. if she wasn't working, she was there, with or without the other two — more times than not with alex.

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