vi. undone.

14 1 5

  swaying side to side, wavering just above the hum of the engine, tools rolled into the side of a surface. it rattled against it, allowing some sort of clinking sound to emit - it would ring much louder into her ears. echoing barely muffled despite having seemingly been faced away from whatever it was. her pulse was barely noticeable between the noise, though the ache of it was still rounded to the front of her head. back and forth, a migraine swayed with her. It wasn't the worst thing that was tender. it was as if someone had rammed a row of shopping carts into her ribcage, the soreness restricted any healthy sighs. the only comfort was the plush material pressed against her backside, and a more soft one beneath her head. she inched into it, hoping the ringing would subside.

  luck was on her side for just a split moment, at least until a voice pushed through the less than coaxed chaos.
  "she's moving!" huffed the oddly familiar voice. it hung above her, but no shadow moved with it. there wasn't any light for it to cast on, she assumed it was dark, maybe even deep in the night. the grounding of the voice allowed the rummaging of tools to lower, the ache in her head reclined with a hint of resistance, and any subconscious thoughts moved to the real. fully functioning, aware, but absolutely destroyed in the joint department. with a crushing return to reality, she let out a raspy breath of air. Heavy eyelids weren't as constricted anymore as they lifted, still tired, but complying with the action.

  blurred vision felt more familiar than the voice had, it was hard to make anything out of her surroundings. cringing, she hissed with the sudden stop of the swaying as it was replaced with a sharp turn. it was a vehicle, one that clattered with any quick motion. It explained the smidge of support beneath her, it must've been the seat. though the other help was a mystery yet, possibly a pillow if she was thinking hard enough. her mind was elsewhere, it traveled to the sudden reminder of her legs. cramped against the side of the backseat. stiff as can be, just as her other limbs were. it felt like a permanent layer of frost, cold and refusing to thaw out. did they have the conditioning turned all the way up? in the middle of winter? who even was they? she'd turn her gaze above her out of curiosity - and just the desperate hope that she was safe.

misfortune returned in the brights of street lamps shining through the windows, illuminating the face of the person hanging over her. an equally curious expression sat on his face as she observed. dark, choppy layered locks framed his face and down his neck, the only contrast in his hair was the bleached strands hidden beneath the brown. a roman like nose centered just above his pressed lips, piercings could be seen littered around both features. beneath his bottom lip and towards his chin trailed light facial hair, matching the brown shade on his head. part of his right cheek was covered by gauze, leaving her to wonder just what had happened. her wonder didn't last long as he leaned forward, narrowed eyes now widened in intimidation. shaped eyebrows stretched in reply, the rings - staples? - in them moving to go along.

  "It's rude to stare, its got me wondering whether you're blind or something." he spoke as he moved a hand to flick his fingers against her nose. he didn't sound upset about it, more so as if he was looking for a reaction. the taunting tone was too familiar, too recent in her head. It wouldn't be until she noticed the hoodie was was wearing, the blue hood finally down around his neck, differing from the muted shades of brown that followed the rest of the fabric. the last time he was in that position he was wrestling her with an actual vendetta, ridiculously enraged by her thievery. immediately she smacked his hand away from her, only to let out a grunt from the inflamed pain in her joints. he only chuckled and finally looked away, peering over the other seats,
" yeah, she's awake.'

  before she had a chance to even wonder who he was talking to, she was yanked forward by the man, he pulled her to sit up. It allowed her legs to rest a bit better over the seat, but it furthered the entire rigor mortis like feeling in her body. she knew she could move, she had just done it, but the struggle was obviously present. it wasn't until she turned her attention away from the throbbing in her joints did she realize what he had meant. awake? the night before was a searing thought, each piece to puzzle together hurt just as much as the last. the last image to cross her mind was the night sky, stars scattered above her. she had fought the guy for a reason, she had ran. the rush of adrenaline she had felt during that moment returned, but the lack of movement made her stomach turn.

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