Chapter 10

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Amelia had initially been so excited to share the experience of being pregnant with Owen. It was something that she always felt was magical and very intimate, and she had not been able to share that with Ryan in the past, when she was pregnant with his son. She had hoped to share it with Owen, but after catching him pleasuring himself in a supply closet to thoughts of her pregnant body, she had felt objectified and couldn't bring herself to be around him anymore.

She knew that Owen didn't mean to make her feel this way, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of being reduced to just her body. She didn't mind the others looking at her in this way, but Owen was supposed to be the love of her life, and the father of her child, not just another perv trying to get off on the way she looked.

She knew it was only a matter of time before she could avoid him no longer, so she wasn't surprised when she found herself being paged for an emergency spinal on a bullet wound trauma patient, and saw him prepping in the scrub room.

Owen watched as Amelia quietly stood next to him, cleaning her fingernails one by one. She made no eye contact with him, and he didn't force her to. In the two days that he'd been away from her, she'd somehow managed to get even more gorgeous in his eyes. Her pregnancy glow seemed to be getting brighter, and her cheeks were flushed as though she were wearing makeup, or blush. Her skin looked perfect, and he longed to just touch her, and hold her. He missed her like crazy.

"Amelia," he tried, but was quickly cut off.

"Don't," she said to him, the lack of emotion in her voice hurting him.

"We're about to perform an emergency surgery together," he said, averting his eyes to the sink, "We should be on the same page-,"

"Is this the chief of surgery requesting this of me?" she inquired, and he frowned beneath his scrub mask, "Because if it's the pervert father of my child-,"

"I am not a pervert!" Owen lashed out, startling Amelia. She stared at him with wide eyes now. "Amelia, can't you see?"

"See what?!" she exclaimed, just as frustrated as him.

"Dr. Shepherd?" an intern called, opening the door to the scrub room.

"What?" Amelia snapped at the intern.

He looked between the two lovers, clearly seeing that they were in the middle of something. "I was told to come inform you both that the patient passed away. So, there's no surgery to be done."

Amelia sighed and pulled off her scrub cap, dismissing him, "Okay, thank you." She turned her attention back to Owen now. "See what?"

"I'm acting this way because..." Owen finally looked up at her, his eyes pleading with her to understand. "You. It's you, Amelia."

Amelia's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Me? What are you talking about?"

He took a deep breath, ripping off his scrub mask before finally admitting, "Your body. It's changing and I can't help but be attracted to you. I've been trying to ignore it, because I don't want you to feel objectified by me, of all people, but I can't anymore." Owen met her gaze, and shook his head in shame as he pulled off his scrub cap and put it in his pocket. "I'm sorry, I know it's inappropriate," he said, his voice filled with regret, "I am so attracted to you, to your body, and I am so afraid that you'll think I'm gross for liking this version of you, but I can't help it."
Amelia's initial reaction was to feel disgusted. But, as she looked at him, she could see the longing in his eyes and she realized that he wasn't just attracted to her, he was completely and utterly consumed by it.

"Owen..." she whispered, finally understanding.

"Amelia, I know I've messed up. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I understand why you've been avoiding me. But I need you to know that the way you look right now, it has been consuming me. I've been feeling guilty for being turned on by you in this state, but I can't help it. It's like this baby is a part of you, and it just makes me want you even more."

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