Chapter 6

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Owen and Amelia were sitting in their office, staring at each other nervously. Amelia was four months pregnant and they had finally decided to tell the staff at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital the news. It was no secret that the chief of surgery and the head of neurosurgery had been in a rather...on and off relationship for a while now, but nobody knew about the baby. And it was time for them to know, before she started showing.

As they walked into the conference room, they could feel all eyes on them. The staff was buzzing with excitement, whispering and speculating about the reason for the meeting. Owen and Amelia took their seats at the front of the room and took a deep breath. Owen looked at Amelia and gave her a reassuring smile before starting to speak.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for being here today. We have an important announcement to make," Owen began, trying to sound as confident as possible. On the inside, he didn't think he could be more nervous than he was just then. The staff, they were not only his colleagues, some were his best friends. They had seen what Owen had been through in his past relationships, and they knew of his desires for a family.

Amelia squeezed Owen's hand under the table, knowing how nervous he was. He took a deep breath and continued, "As you all know, Amelia and I have been in a serious relationship for the past year. And today, we wanted to share with you that we are expecting a baby."

There was a collective gasp from the room as the news sunk in. Everyone looked at Owen and Amelia with surprise and happiness. There were cheers and congratulations from all over the room.

"I knew it!" Bailey exclaimed, smiling. Jackson sighed and rolled his eyes, reaching in his wallet to give Alex $50. They'd betted on the reason why Amelia and Owen were acting so toxic with each other as of late, with Alex betting on a pregnancy and its hormones, and Jackson betting against it.

"Told you," Alex gloated, laughing in Avery's face. Amelia giggled as she observed their interaction, finding it funny that they had bets on them.

"I had my suspicions as well," Richard added politely, grinning, "Congratulations." The rest of the staff chimed in with their own words of encouragement and congratulations. It was a heartwarming moment for Owen and Amelia, knowing that they had the support of their colleagues.

After the initial excitement died down, Bailey cleared her throat and called for everyone's attention. "As much as we are happy for you both, we need to have a serious discussion about this." She looked at Owen and Amelia sternly. "We have been informed that there may be some concerns about favouritism or conflicts of interest in the hospital regarding your relationship and the baby, especially on the operating level." Owen and Amelia knew Miranda was referring to the fight they'd had that day, outside of the OR. "We can't ignore these potential issues and we have to make sure that everything is handled properly," Bailey explained.

Owen and Amelia looked at each other, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew this was coming and they were prepared to face any challenges together.

"Of course, we understand the concerns and we assure you that we will do everything in our power to maintain a professional relationship at work. We have already discussed with HR and they have approved our relationship," Owen said, his voice firm and confident.

Bailey nodded, satisfied with their response. "I trust that you will keep your personal life separate from your professional one. We don't want any more disruptions in the hospital because of this. We need to focus on providing the best care for our patients." Owen and Amelia nodded, thanking everyone for their support and understanding. As the meeting came to an end, everyone congratulated the couple once again and went back to their jobs.

Owen and Amelia couldn't be happier with how the meeting went. They knew it wouldn't be easy balancing their personal and professional lives, but they were determined to make it work. As they walked out of the conference room, Owen put his arm around Amelia's waist and pulled her close. "We did it. We're going to be parents and we have the support of our colleagues."

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